Don't you love surprises? I log on this way too early morning to find my profile tag has changed. Hmm, who cold have done that? I guess that's the chance you take when your BFFF/girl friend/soul mate has your SG password. On the other hand, I do appreciate the sentiment and in a couple of weeks she will too.
What I don't like is have a cold. WTF? Does everyone at work have to be sick? And do they all have to give it to me? The only good thing about my current job (Only one week left) is that I sat and slept most of the day trying to get rid of the sinus headache I had. I must have taken a dozen Advil Cold and Sinus tablets during the day. Remember the good old days when you could buy that stuff off the shelf instead of wasting time going back to the pharmacy to have my id check like I'm at the methadone clinic. Thank you meth labs. Anyone ever hear of natural selection? The weak get picked off because they aren't fast enough or strong enough. Well how about smart enough? If you are stupid enough to take that crap and it kills you then ya-frickin'-hoo! One less idiot my tax dollars have got to support. There are way too many laws to protect stupid people from themselves. Did anyone read 1984 or Brave New World? Did anyone see Demolition Man? Dude, even Stallone gets it! Stop protecting the stupid! This world would be a lot better off with a few less meth heads in it.
And please don't tell me it's their fault. That they have some type of addictive personality. Whatever, my great grandfather was an alcoholic but he still got up every morning to go to work and provide for his family. He got shitfaced when he got home but he did what he had to do. We give people too many excuses these days. There are too many disorders. I swear there is a disorder to give cause to anything. Don't get me wrong there are some legitimate problems in the world but too many people lean on disorders as a crutch and we as a society empower that mentality. You do have control! You do have a choice! If you need medication, take it. If you don't know if you need it, see a doctor or a psychiatrist. You can choose to make your life better. I'm choosing not to empower you. So if you are looking for sympathy for a disorder that you won't get help for you have a big shock coming.

What I don't like is have a cold. WTF? Does everyone at work have to be sick? And do they all have to give it to me? The only good thing about my current job (Only one week left) is that I sat and slept most of the day trying to get rid of the sinus headache I had. I must have taken a dozen Advil Cold and Sinus tablets during the day. Remember the good old days when you could buy that stuff off the shelf instead of wasting time going back to the pharmacy to have my id check like I'm at the methadone clinic. Thank you meth labs. Anyone ever hear of natural selection? The weak get picked off because they aren't fast enough or strong enough. Well how about smart enough? If you are stupid enough to take that crap and it kills you then ya-frickin'-hoo! One less idiot my tax dollars have got to support. There are way too many laws to protect stupid people from themselves. Did anyone read 1984 or Brave New World? Did anyone see Demolition Man? Dude, even Stallone gets it! Stop protecting the stupid! This world would be a lot better off with a few less meth heads in it.
And please don't tell me it's their fault. That they have some type of addictive personality. Whatever, my great grandfather was an alcoholic but he still got up every morning to go to work and provide for his family. He got shitfaced when he got home but he did what he had to do. We give people too many excuses these days. There are too many disorders. I swear there is a disorder to give cause to anything. Don't get me wrong there are some legitimate problems in the world but too many people lean on disorders as a crutch and we as a society empower that mentality. You do have control! You do have a choice! If you need medication, take it. If you don't know if you need it, see a doctor or a psychiatrist. You can choose to make your life better. I'm choosing not to empower you. So if you are looking for sympathy for a disorder that you won't get help for you have a big shock coming.

where what?

Where were the two women and the polar bear?