Why do I bother?
It took my wife kicking me in the ass to realize I was a whiny punk. She set me straight and told me I was been way too negative about this new job and that I needed to find one rose and one thorn each day to keep a balance. That slap in the face really set my mind going in the right direction. That...
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Started the new job on Monday. I've been in a hotel in Exeter, NH since Wednesday and I'm ready to go home now please. The job is uninteresting and unexciting but it'll pay the bills for a bit. A means to an end and I think I've finally figured out my end. I'm not in any hurry. I finally realized that my life isn't going...
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Happy day after Valentines Day! The two ladies in my life and I had a nice night at the Miss Portland Diner. Dessert was very yummy!
I'm on my last week of work at Butts-a-Million which btw is the worst retailer I've ever worked for. Don't ever go to work there! I won't even go shop there after I'm gone! I have mixed feelings about...
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I'm on my last week of work at Butts-a-Million which btw is the worst retailer I've ever worked for. Don't ever go to work there! I won't even go shop there after I'm gone! I have mixed feelings about...
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I've got a second interview on Wednesday. I'm very indifferent about this company but I'm trying to keep my mind open. It's another store filled with the things our consumer society just has to fill its life with. So why then am I continuing the application process, money of course. Like so many people I'll sell my conscious to provide my family with a more...
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Like so many people, I feel my life is missing something bigger. I feel as if I do nothing more than contribute to a consumer culture than I am less than a fan of. I sell disposable crap to people who'll forget they bought it a month from now. Isn't there anything with any permanence anymore? What happened to the experience? Why are people substituting...
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Everytime I get those feelings(which are more and more often as I get older) I throw a dart at the map. Going to the place and learning something new about it and myself help me understand life in a different way. Good luck on your search.
Thanks. I have come to realize I need to find a distraction. I've got plenty at my disposal herein Maine. I've just got to get up, stop being a whiner and get to it. Thanks for reinforcing that thought.