I love music. For such a long time it has been all i wanted to do with my life. But It seems to be gettting farther and farther from me. And I get scared because I can see the possibility of it having to fall back, not be my lifes work. Not that it really ever was I'd just hoped it'd be.
Fuck I can barely write this. Imagining my life with this dying away is fucking tearing me apart. But I realize that I've done so little to contribute back to the artform that has given me so much I have no right to demand any more of it. The friends I have that are musicians are my modern day heroes. Gods directly down from Olympus and I have no right to be in their presence with no sacrifice to bring.
I've had a guitar since fifteen I guess I just couldn't be bothered to learn it. Fuck ME!
Fuck I can barely write this. Imagining my life with this dying away is fucking tearing me apart. But I realize that I've done so little to contribute back to the artform that has given me so much I have no right to demand any more of it. The friends I have that are musicians are my modern day heroes. Gods directly down from Olympus and I have no right to be in their presence with no sacrifice to bring.
I've had a guitar since fifteen I guess I just couldn't be bothered to learn it. Fuck ME!
it's easy really. you just have to be able to accept the fact that it's bad habits for the most part and deciding to change those habits.

Hey, welcome back! How are you doing?