Oh man I slept like twelve hours today. It was my own fault for having neglected sleep yesterday. anyways I ended up missing my brothers band show. I am not a good brother
My stepmom absolved me though, she said I could make it to a showcase the school was playing with a bunch of other bands next week. My stepmom is so cool. Anywho, I got this idea awhile ago from some book( i can't remember which book exactly).
It's called the council of five. The premise is that when you come to a decision you have five people in your head and you pose a question to them. Have them answer as you think they normally would, and thus a decision is made. I stocked my council with personal hereos.
Micheal Moore
Kevin Smith
Spike Lee
Steve Taylor
I wanna know who would be on your council.

It's called the council of five. The premise is that when you come to a decision you have five people in your head and you pose a question to them. Have them answer as you think they normally would, and thus a decision is made. I stocked my council with personal hereos.
Micheal Moore
Kevin Smith
Spike Lee
Steve Taylor
I wanna know who would be on your council.
and ani difranco
and carl sagen even though he's dead
and same with douglas adams
and jrr tolkien
and then there'd be bell hooks
and francescia lia block
and susie bright