Man having things to do you don't want to is not fun. I know I'm stating the obvious but still. I have to go and get a core put in my mouth which is a lot less cooler then it sounds. Keep rockin' the world that is yours.
More Blogs
Tuesday Jan 03, 2006
There was a time when I wrote quite a bit more. I also seem to rememb… -
Wednesday Dec 28, 2005
You know what cartoon I've been anjoying alot ? Boondocks, I really d… -
Wednesday Dec 14, 2005
Eh' I got sick of looking at the last entry. I've been trying to deci… -
Monday Nov 21, 2005
So we're losing Lansing Craft and Metal Fabricating. At least it's go… -
Friday Nov 18, 2005
Like life is ever changing and whatnot? So yeah, I got used to that i… -
Monday Nov 14, 2005
Sorry I'm not around much. Life's just been really busy. I don't real… -
Monday Oct 10, 2005
Feelining better, must find some new work though Comcast assignment e… -
Friday Oct 07, 2005
I feel like there is something fundamentally wrong with me. -
Sunday Oct 02, 2005
Busy weekend as usual. Got to hang withan old friend though. My broth… -
Friday Sep 30, 2005
"whores"?!? No sir I don't like the sound of that! If it's true …
I was walking on an outdoor mall with some friends. We passed by these guys and overheard them saying that a girl was "worth five counts". When we passed by again they had rated another girl similarly. We had no idea what "counts" meant. So we went up to them finally and asked. Smiling, one of the guys said "it means counts of rape"
But I think a lot of people rate others much more innocently, and i don't mind that...
Yeah I loved Penn Jillette's blog thing. There is another one further down about him getting groped by airport security and reporting it to the cops. i just love how his mind works.