Today started out kinda funky. A poisoned kitty ended up on the porch of my moms house. My family called me a few hours after I had fallen asleep to get me to come in and take the precoius little thing to the clinic. Apparently she had drinkin some anti freeze some asshole had left spewed all over the driveway and had managed to make it to my moms porch before falling over. The people at the kitty place said they'd take care of her. My brother and I started talking about life, and death on the way back and it was not a really happy thing.
Then later things got better when Cait showed up and we went to go see the Vote Dammit tour in East Lansing. I got to show her around East Lansing a tiny bit. Introduced her to the greatness that is Bells Pizza, and even managed to take us the wrong way twice! Margaret Cho was really funnny, especially when doing her impression of Bjork. Ani Difranco was fucking awesome. It was my first time seeing her live. A very different show than I'm used to. Damn though Ani is an amazing performer. Through it all Cait was great company despite me getting us lost and her nursing a cold.
Finally after I got back to the hotel I went to go see my friends for a late dinner at Theio's When I got to Ben & Danielles Matt, Ryan, Amanda, and a friend of hers were also there. All of us headed out to the resteraunt with the exception of Matt, and Ryan who waited behind for a phone call to see if Ryan would be able to get tickets to go see Micheal Moore speak at MSU later today. At Theios we the conversation was great , except when Ben & Danielle had a bit of a tift over Bens dad. I found out Amandas friends name was Meagan. She had Awesome breasts I couldn't help but noticing. Much coffee and cigarettes were consumed.
Finally Matt & Ryan showed. More Coffee and cigarettes were consumed. We concluded not ALL guys think about sex continually, just most, and me. Also I think maybe getting someone who knows how to launder money may be the most difficult position to fill in a criminal empire.
Women of the world, Pubic hair is good!
Then later things got better when Cait showed up and we went to go see the Vote Dammit tour in East Lansing. I got to show her around East Lansing a tiny bit. Introduced her to the greatness that is Bells Pizza, and even managed to take us the wrong way twice! Margaret Cho was really funnny, especially when doing her impression of Bjork. Ani Difranco was fucking awesome. It was my first time seeing her live. A very different show than I'm used to. Damn though Ani is an amazing performer. Through it all Cait was great company despite me getting us lost and her nursing a cold.
Finally after I got back to the hotel I went to go see my friends for a late dinner at Theio's When I got to Ben & Danielles Matt, Ryan, Amanda, and a friend of hers were also there. All of us headed out to the resteraunt with the exception of Matt, and Ryan who waited behind for a phone call to see if Ryan would be able to get tickets to go see Micheal Moore speak at MSU later today. At Theios we the conversation was great , except when Ben & Danielle had a bit of a tift over Bens dad. I found out Amandas friends name was Meagan. She had Awesome breasts I couldn't help but noticing. Much coffee and cigarettes were consumed.
Finally Matt & Ryan showed. More Coffee and cigarettes were consumed. We concluded not ALL guys think about sex continually, just most, and me. Also I think maybe getting someone who knows how to launder money may be the most difficult position to fill in a criminal empire.
Women of the world, Pubic hair is good!
I totally got lost on the way back, but I found my way eventually
Thank you again though for an awesome night!