Ga, The Ren fest was stupid fun all , with the exception of losing my Keys there. I Had to wait for a couple of hours for a friend of mine to bring my spare set all the way from Lansing. It was okay though because I hung out with some folk from White Blanc who were also stranded and them gave them a ride home once I got the keys from my pal. Also some Kitten fell so totally in love with me there in the emptied parking lot. She followed me around the entire time staying always within like three steps of me. It was absolutely fucking adorable I tell you. They had some new shit this year . Some Fountains and new vendors . I eeven seen an act I hadn't before though I'm not sure if it was new. As always the greatest event at the Ren Fest was just checking out the other attenders . Especially the ones in costumes. I'm okay with the people who do fantasy stuff, especially the little farie costumes but this one guy was walking around in a tie-fighter pilot outfit. For some reason that seemed way wrong. Yes mad geekage happens at the Ren Fest., but it ain't the damn comic con. Want proof? look at all the damn kids in strollers being pushed by soccer moms and nascar dads. It's got a little more of a mainstream appeal. I love drum circles and the tops of breasts. I cannot wait for Cleavege- fes,,, er I mean Ren Fest 2005
i have a cargo astro van. i put a lazyboy chair in the back to make it look extra getto. i like chevy vans, plus being from flint its got to be american made. this last week was good i spent time in southwest colorado with jae and her parents. they have a cabin in a town called lake city. its more than 9000 feet abouve sea level. it was fucking awesome. have you seen any good shows lately. im going to see the bronx again next week. and i do get to see the misfits and agent orange on my b-day. im glad you had fun at the ren fest. i have some good friends that work there. take it easy

Haha, that's a good story! It is kinda freaky.