This cigarette dangling from my lips is not my own. It's disgarded, but at the point of purchase I'm sure it was an object of immense desire. How many times in our lives do we fixate on something so completely only to discover we really don't want it once we have it?
I spent most of this weekend with my family. Birthday parties and such. One of them was in Charlotte. A small town I spent many summmers in. A Vapor of nostalgia twisted through me as I walked the blocks of small town America. I believed that if I could I'd like to settle there sometime, but maybe thats just fear of the uncertainy I feel now. Just a need for even the image of security.
My mom said that she was adding my brothers and mine names to the title on the family home. Just in case she dies. She's been talking about death alot lately. I find it kinda creepy. I've fully accepted the mortality of my loved ones but am still discocerned with her focus on it.
Bjorks new album is good.
I spent most of this weekend with my family. Birthday parties and such. One of them was in Charlotte. A small town I spent many summmers in. A Vapor of nostalgia twisted through me as I walked the blocks of small town America. I believed that if I could I'd like to settle there sometime, but maybe thats just fear of the uncertainy I feel now. Just a need for even the image of security.
My mom said that she was adding my brothers and mine names to the title on the family home. Just in case she dies. She's been talking about death alot lately. I find it kinda creepy. I've fully accepted the mortality of my loved ones but am still discocerned with her focus on it.
Bjorks new album is good.
its an interesting situation... i think he will be safe... he's going to be working inside a military compound and not allowed to leave without armored escort...
you're back! yay!