9 Days till I leave the hallowed shores of the Great Lakes for the Desert. There is something kinda significant about that. I slacked off too much to plan a proper going away thingee. But will be getting together with any well wishers at the Fleetwood Diner on Friday. I got tons of stuff I'm gonna be getting rid of. If anyone wants to rummage through, drop me a line before Thursday. I just seen Kanye West will be playing in Vegas like a week after I arrive. It's an omen.
Seen Dawn of the Dead today. I love the Zombie movies, although they always make me feel a bit weird afterwards. It kinda puts me in this adversariel mindset towards other people. That doesn't really Gel with my standard set of beliefs.
There is thunder and lightening outside my window right now. It makes me so very happy. Rage on you fucking night sky, Rage on!
Seen Dawn of the Dead today. I love the Zombie movies, although they always make me feel a bit weird afterwards. It kinda puts me in this adversariel mindset towards other people. That doesn't really Gel with my standard set of beliefs.
There is thunder and lightening outside my window right now. It makes me so very happy. Rage on you fucking night sky, Rage on!
but now it's very cold and snowing... i love michigan, really i do
sorry about the brief goodbye's while i was talking to you X was spilling orange juice everywhere... so i was a little preoccupied... so in lue of that... later man...