Sorry I didn't update much from the road. The one time I got my hands on a computer that wouldn't filter out SG was at a coffee shop in Des Moine. And I had to pay a buck for ten minutes to use that.
So all in all it was great being out on tour with my friends. Even if Chicago Mcdonalds put a boot on my car, charged me 115.00 to remove it. Even if Krohns transmission blew and we had to Ride 7 + equipment in my Buick for 500 miles. Even if Indianapolis is one shady mutherfuckin town. Even if my nutsack now hates me.
We met alot of GOOD people. Every night I swear The Casionauts were playing better. There were people who were gunuinely blown away at each show. The people, and bands who let us stay at their houses are mad awesome in my book. If FrankenNixon, Design/Build, or Melk play around you do me a favor and go see them.
I got to encounter An Albotross for the first time ever. OMFG, their set is insane. The way the audience reacted was fuckin' beautiful. If they are EVER playing anywhere near you do yourself the favor and check it out.
Best cities encountered- New Brunswick NJ, Bloomington IN, and Wilkes Berre PA. New Jersey has awesome music being made there. House parties in Bloomington are AWESOME. Wilkes Berre has one of the coolest all ages venues I've ever seen. If you are ever there check out Cafe Metropolis. Illinois, is Ill-anoying. I swear that state is pure evil aside from Chi-town, and even there is a pain in the ass with a car. But yeah touring is deck BWAHAHA!
So all in all it was great being out on tour with my friends. Even if Chicago Mcdonalds put a boot on my car, charged me 115.00 to remove it. Even if Krohns transmission blew and we had to Ride 7 + equipment in my Buick for 500 miles. Even if Indianapolis is one shady mutherfuckin town. Even if my nutsack now hates me.
We met alot of GOOD people. Every night I swear The Casionauts were playing better. There were people who were gunuinely blown away at each show. The people, and bands who let us stay at their houses are mad awesome in my book. If FrankenNixon, Design/Build, or Melk play around you do me a favor and go see them.
I got to encounter An Albotross for the first time ever. OMFG, their set is insane. The way the audience reacted was fuckin' beautiful. If they are EVER playing anywhere near you do yourself the favor and check it out.
Best cities encountered- New Brunswick NJ, Bloomington IN, and Wilkes Berre PA. New Jersey has awesome music being made there. House parties in Bloomington are AWESOME. Wilkes Berre has one of the coolest all ages venues I've ever seen. If you are ever there check out Cafe Metropolis. Illinois, is Ill-anoying. I swear that state is pure evil aside from Chi-town, and even there is a pain in the ass with a car. But yeah touring is deck BWAHAHA!


Thanks for your offer. I may look into getting a PO Box just for that purpose since a couple of people were nice enough to offer.