In Des Moine Iowa. One of the band members car broke down so we had to wait for two days in Princeton IL. Not really a big fan of Illinois right now. We almost stayed in a homeless shelter last night before deciding that would be bogue and just anted up for a room. I highly reccomend the TIKI HOTEL in I think Peru Illinois. Bit hey show tonight, everyone is so happy to be playing again. Even if we had to ride 7 ppl in my Buick Century for 250 miles
Tonight the show goes on at Vuadeville Mews and we'll be staying at the house of another band FrankenNixon. A welcomed relief on my wallet.

Tonight the show goes on at Vuadeville Mews and we'll be staying at the house of another band FrankenNixon. A welcomed relief on my wallet.
hey dude, how you been doing??? haven't heard from you in a while, hope you're good!!!
How's the road treating you, B.B.?