There is a lot of good on the horizon. First up tommorrow at St. Andrews, Murder by Death, The Bled, and Poison the Well. Then I've got a trip to Virgina for a hotel conference. Then I go to see Ludacriss and Chingy w/ my brother. First week in March, I tour with the Casionauts as the Merch guy. And then finally in April the big move. This is to mention nothing of the fact that Spring is soon coming. Man, I'm really glad I got laid off or I wouldn't be able to do half of this.
On the down note I haven't been as productive as I'd hoped. I'm sure if I don't get in gear it's going to turn around to bite me in the ass. I don't think I've written anything since being laid off. It's only been one week now but I don't want to turn in to super sloth machine.
I took my mom to neurological specialists in Ann Arbor last week. It was an utter waste of time. Their expert opinion, "go see a pain specialist, and lose weight". It seems to me the only things doctors do nowadays is tell you to lose weight or take drugs(their kind). I understand that being overweight causes alot of health problems, but come on! If she hasn't heard the last 25 doctors that told her that, what makes you think she'll pay attention this time? And the whole drug thing, that kinda undermines doctors authority with me. I don't trust them when their office is chock full of promo materials from drug companies.
Whats your earliest memory?
Biting a girl in Preschool, She took my crayon
Whats something you really want but haven't been able to afford? A poratble Media Jukebox
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On the down note I haven't been as productive as I'd hoped. I'm sure if I don't get in gear it's going to turn around to bite me in the ass. I don't think I've written anything since being laid off. It's only been one week now but I don't want to turn in to super sloth machine.
I took my mom to neurological specialists in Ann Arbor last week. It was an utter waste of time. Their expert opinion, "go see a pain specialist, and lose weight". It seems to me the only things doctors do nowadays is tell you to lose weight or take drugs(their kind). I understand that being overweight causes alot of health problems, but come on! If she hasn't heard the last 25 doctors that told her that, what makes you think she'll pay attention this time? And the whole drug thing, that kinda undermines doctors authority with me. I don't trust them when their office is chock full of promo materials from drug companies.
Whats your earliest memory?
Biting a girl in Preschool, She took my crayon

Whats something you really want but haven't been able to afford? A poratble Media Jukebox

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I kind of lost a chunk of my momory a few years back. The early days are a bit fuzzy. I remember spending the day with my uncle on his horse farm the day my parents were in court to get divorced. I was like 4 or 5. I was following him around while he was feeding the horses and he told me not to touch the fence because it was electric. I didn't believe him so the first time he turned his back I touched the fence. When he looked back I guess my eyes were the size of dinner plates. He asked if I touched the fence, of course I said no but he knew.
Whats something you really want but haven't been able to afford?
A lap top with a wireless internet connection. Bye bye tax money.
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[Edited on Feb 17, 2004 2:34PM]