Self control, not really my strong suit. Bit still it's what I'll need to make Vegas happen like I want it to. Right now it's all boiling down to a man has to make his own way. I firmly believe that, and thats something I can't do here. Too many safety nets, so many they've wrapped around my arms and legs no movement makes it impossible to swim.
Another thing it's gonna take is some money. I'm gonna need every dollar I can snag. I've been holding off picking up my ticket to the SG Burlesque show because of the cost. The ticket is cheap but then there is the cost of missing a day of work. Then I think how often am I gonna get a chance to meet so many of the cool people on this site as this. MrNiceGuy's cabin was a good start, and I'd like to see those people again, but there are others I have yet to meet. So somebody convince me here that I can go to the Burlesque and still be fiscally responsible.
What do you suck at? Self Control, I will have it one day!
What can you do to get strong where you are weak?
I don't knnow, meditate? Martial Arts? the Military?
Favorite way to appease your sweet tooth?
Currrenly those mini York peppermint patties.
Another thing it's gonna take is some money. I'm gonna need every dollar I can snag. I've been holding off picking up my ticket to the SG Burlesque show because of the cost. The ticket is cheap but then there is the cost of missing a day of work. Then I think how often am I gonna get a chance to meet so many of the cool people on this site as this. MrNiceGuy's cabin was a good start, and I'd like to see those people again, but there are others I have yet to meet. So somebody convince me here that I can go to the Burlesque and still be fiscally responsible.
What do you suck at? Self Control, I will have it one day!
What can you do to get strong where you are weak?
I don't knnow, meditate? Martial Arts? the Military?
Favorite way to appease your sweet tooth?
Currrenly those mini York peppermint patties.
oh I hardly EVER go to meijer before midnight. usually it's I didnt end up going last night cuz I didnt get home from work til after 2am.
what do I suck at? being artistic. like drawing and stuff. I just cant come up with stuff. I'd love to draw or paint or something but I usually just cant come up with something.
I suppose I could take an art class to get better. cream...yup. peanut butter chunk. sweet tooth calls...
that should be a good enough reason to go.
no wait, that was really conceited of me.
i meant you should go b/c i want to meet you and it will be fun. oh yeah, and naked girls & chocolate. COME ON!