Some asshole hit me today. Dented the fuck out of my driver side rear door. Also my car is bottoming out alot of places it hadn't before. I got PLPD so its nothing but a loss for me.
Good news, in begginning to sell off stuff for the vegas loot the first batch of my life netted more than I thought. I'm figurin' I need $2000 in the next 59 days above what I already make. So minus todays haul I only need $1920 more. It'll be a cinch.
Good news, in begginning to sell off stuff for the vegas loot the first batch of my life netted more than I thought. I'm figurin' I need $2000 in the next 59 days above what I already make. So minus todays haul I only need $1920 more. It'll be a cinch.
I got it's cheap, but oh how you pay later...
Anyway, good luck with the liquidation! The packrat in me shudders at that word. "Liquidation". *shivers in terror*