The new Micheal Moore film got a release date. Election Day 2004! 10 months to wait seems like forever. I'm gonna bug the local theaters to carry it when it opens though, and not wait two months like they did with bowling for columbine. Now I just got to work on getting Kevin Smith to release a new flick. I mean his arch-nemisis Tim Burtons new one is out.
I went to go see Big Fish today but it was sold out. I was going to take my brother. The one I hardly ever see because he lives with my suburban family. It was nice to hang with him even though we didn't get to see the movie. I did get to take him out for pizza. He's become such a little Rap fiend. Absolutly no interest in Rock whatsover
Well you try your best.
"I'd like to get to know you well"
3 younger brothers 2 older sisters all half
setting you grew up in(rural, urban, suburban...)
Suburban trailer park, then urban house
What was Valued in your household growing up?
Faith, Charity, and Creativity in that order
I went to go see Big Fish today but it was sold out. I was going to take my brother. The one I hardly ever see because he lives with my suburban family. It was nice to hang with him even though we didn't get to see the movie. I did get to take him out for pizza. He's become such a little Rap fiend. Absolutly no interest in Rock whatsover

"I'd like to get to know you well"
3 younger brothers 2 older sisters all half
setting you grew up in(rural, urban, suburban...)
Suburban trailer park, then urban house
What was Valued in your household growing up?
Faith, Charity, and Creativity in that order
2 sisters, 1 brother & a step brother and sister I haven't seen in 24 years.
Grew up.
Small town america.
Silence and denial