Went to see the extended version of The Two Towers at the theater today. Eagerly await Wednesday for The Return of the King. *ooh anticipation is the best part*
I got the coolest gift from one of my friends today. He made up some fudge and cookies that were awesome. He also gave me some of that Axe body spray. but the best part, he had put this all together in a gift bag that had Porn pictures printed on it. It was the coolest giftwrap I had ever seen! Further proof that the British are just better than us
Liqour? Gin
Game? HALO
I got the coolest gift from one of my friends today. He made up some fudge and cookies that were awesome. He also gave me some of that Axe body spray. but the best part, he had put this all together in a gift bag that had Porn pictures printed on it. It was the coolest giftwrap I had ever seen! Further proof that the British are just better than us

Liqour? Gin
Game? HALO
What great gift wrap, by the way! Love it! Before I heard about the porn wrap, THIS was my favorite gift wrap. Hehehe...
Crown Royal
Nintendo 64: Perfect Dark (old school, but I love it); Gamecube: Bloody Roar (b/c I'm a dork), but I want Tony Hawk's Underground; Board Game: Trivial Pursuit (b/c I kick everyone's ass every time)
Donatello - we both like the smart one!
I love your journals, and your comments on mine. You rock too!