I blazed through four sets today, and it's not nearly enough. There are so many sets that went up I'm not sure I'll ever make it through them all. I will however have fun trying. So the new photos have not gone up, nor have I did the profile update. I was getting ready to take the pics and I realized my room was a fucking mess. For some reason that became a block to my creativity. I've got at least one more journal entry to do today. I don't really like cross posting so I'm going to do something over at the livejournal. The poker room was closed down at work today, and you should see the players faces when they come in. It's like a kid finding out their birthday has been canceled. I so want to be able to split myself and do like 20 things at once, and then at the end of the day try to let my subconscious deal with all the stimulus gathered by my many. Maybe in the morning we can have a debriefing/planning coffee.
Bah the only way I have kept up is by looking at every set that goes up everyday, but then again I am a big perv and I look at all the hopeful sets too lol
Well, I may pop up on other sites from time-to-time.