Tonight was an amazing sort of night. It was one of those autumn nights warm enough to be summer, that still have the fall feel(are autumn and fall the same season?). I walked, drove, and stood around trying to be able to capture just what it is about these nights that feel so magical. Palms, and toungue out, eyes open then shut, and all the time inhaling through my nose I wanted to absorb it all. I took in the colours, odor, temperatures, textures, tastes and sounds. It must have been a funny sight seeing me walk down that sidewalk with my arms outstretched and my tounge darting about. Hope it entertained someone as much as this night did me. I'll write a piece about this night and post it for journal poetry day tommorrow. Best part, after I got home and layed down to rest, A wonderful strong thounderstorm came along too wash away all I went out to gather.
Rock On Mama Nature!!
Rock On Mama Nature!!

Of course, when winter comes around, i will be bitching.