Eh' I got sick of looking at the last entry. I've been trying to decide whether or not I have a soul and if it matters. How about you what have you been up to.
I was gonna go to school in january but I couldnt get enough money because of the massive cost for a non-state resident. I was gonna study hospitality managment.
I didnt mean to blow you off when you called. I just meant that I understood I called you at short notice and it was no big deal for me to get from someone else.
we should get together some time soon though and hang out. call me!
thanks for stopping over the other night! I hope you dont think I just call for a hookup. I'm sure you understand how busy i am. but you're welcome to hang with us any time.just give me a call.
Like life is ever changing and whatnot? So yeah, I got used to that idea as a child. I've adapted a million times over, But really I mean are any of us here ready for the hardcore repositioning of America thats unfolding before our very eyes. I don't know how much of it is fear, paranoia, or what but I get the feeling like motherfuckers... Read More
Sorry I'm not around much. Life's just been really busy. I don't really see it lightening up much till after the holidays. I got some projects I'm trying to put together around Lansing, and my ma & brother are as demanding as ever. but good news is I do have a full time job. I'm back at the DI (days inn). in fact I just... Read More
full time is great...that is all that matters. i completely understand about the being out of commission until after the holidays because it is just so hectic.
Feelining better, must find some new work though Comcast assignment ends in 2 weeks. I'm not sure I'm ready for new job, but i'm sure my creditors are. Don't worry it's going to be beautiful.
Busy weekend as usual. Got to hang withan old friend though. My brother is heading out to job corp Tuesday morning. I'm taking him to the airport. I'll miss the dude but this is mad better than him being at my moms jobless.
No sir I don't like the sound of that! If it's true I don't believe half of the people I know would still be here. Maybe they don't know? But some people I really respect are gone. But some people I really respect are still here.This creates a moral dilemma for me. I think its time for some serious thought.
So there was totally this person I felt I had to ask out right? Like everytime I thought about her and added it all up in my head it made perfect sense. The math was right ya see. But everytime I was around her something was just not cool with it. So I said fuck it and asked her anyway. She turned me down, and... Read More
My old roomie and friend of 17 years was up from Las Vegas this weekend. It was really great to see him, I love that kid. Also got to see some friends from our schooldays and fuck it totally made me feel like a failure. But hey at least I've got some pretty decent people I know. In Ann Arbor Saturday I got to pick... Read More
She appeared like a vision. Thought I never knew her name, Ive never forgotten the girl in the Ukrainian Army jacket.
From the moment I laid eyes on her I was intoxicated by her beauty. She strolled through the bookstore stopping only briefly to read a book jacket that caught her eye. Locks of red hair flowed down her back. Her skin was pale, delicate, with just a hint of freckles. Long slender fingers flipped through a stack of old LPs with absent ease. Her beauty affected everyone who looked upon her.
Who was this creature before us and where did she get that jacket? She seemed to be part mystic, part hippy. Gold and silver medals hung from the left breast side of the jacket along with ribbons of every color. Her faded jeans were a mix of ancient symbolisms and peace signs. Some were drawn on in pen while others were stitched. A trail of tiny daisies started at her right hip and cascaded down leg in a haphazard fashion. At the cuff the flower accumulated as if that had simply fallen from her pocket.
She looked up and our eyes met for an all to brief moment. She smiled a crooked smile that made her look even more exquisite than she was only seconds ago. In that moment where her brilliant green eye locked with mine she broke my heart.
I saw her hidden pain and suffering. A wave of sorrow washed over me as I experienced the world through her eyes and watched her fall. She was alone in a sea of mortality. It was a fate that she would never be able to come to complete reconciliation with.
Then, as if she realized she had revealed too much, she left the store. I watched her through the store window as she crossed the street. She leaned against the bus stop sign and lit a cigarette. A thin trail of smoke
Off in the distance church bells rang, marking the new hour. As the cross town bus came to a stop I thought I saw her brushing away a tear. She took one last draw of her cigarette and exhaled the smoke. She raised her hand to wave goodbye to me.
The bus pulled away and just as quickly as she entered my life, she was gone. I never knew her name or heard the sound of her voice. A great many years have passed since that day in the bookstore. Even now I cant help but look for her when I visit that store.
She lives now only in the memory of an old man. Though my mind may fail me from time to time, she is always there. My mystery women, my fallen angel.
You didn't freak anyone out, the guy that came over (whyIlikerobins) went over and I saw some guys that he's friends with by the bar and wanted to say hi. Then my sister wanted to go because she had class early. It was a fucking awesome show and I got a few good pics to show for it. There seem to be a few more Lansing peeps now, we should so start a bowling night or sushi night or something here.
Who we are. A fucking amazing complex species. Absolutely unique, yet still intertwined with life across the cosmos. I know this is a bit touchy feely, and super cliche, but honestly it is how I feel. It's been some time since I've written but it is only because I didn't want to say just anything. I wanted to say something I meant.
You know what... Read More
I doing all right, Im not working right now. I got laid off from Kodak back in June so Im just riding my unemployment out while I look for a job with good pay and benefits.
Ive asked everyone on my friends list to give me three words to use in one of my post-it note short stories. Ive been having major writers block and Im looking for inspiration. There can be any three words you want.
Everyone that gives me three words get a story, it will take me awhile to get them all done but it will happen.
I doubt I'll be having sex this week, but if I do I'll smile. Does masterbation count?
I didnt mean to blow you off when you called. I just meant that I understood I called you at short notice and it was no big deal for me to get from someone else.
we should get together some time soon though and hang out. call me!