today really blew ass. I got up at like 0100, 0235, 0330, and 0400, when I wasn't supposed to get up until 0415. I didn't even go to bed until midnightish. I'm like a walking zombie right now..***mmm brains*** and I'm going to sleep, but had to update. I just found out my brother went UA, or for non-marine folk, AWOL from the army! I'm so fucking pissed I could murder that little shit! It's like, damn dude, you signed your fucking name, deal with it for 4 years and get out. If I were home instead of here, I would have punched him in the head until black and blue were all he could see! I know that I should support my brother, but seriously, this could fuck up his ability to get a job for the rest of his life! damn! I think I'll punch him anyway!
On the up and up, I have less than a month left in this hellhole!!!!! Everone clap for me!
Damn shame about your brother, though. That's REALLY unfortunate. Any idea why?