Doing a few odd jobs for work because the latest business proposition kinda fell through. Hard. It's cool tho, I'm making some cash, enough to get by but I'd love more if anyone has any work for me to do.
I know some of you wondered where I was, I appreciate the emails. Had some shit go down, was out of state for a little while around New Yearsish, nothing new or interesting to report really. Been staying fairly busy and not sleeping much lately, but what's new really? Heh. Although, I have discovered free time once again tonight and downloaded many ROMs.
NES ROMs of shit like Punch Out, Monster Party, Spy vs. Spy, Super Dodgeball, etc. etc. Oh, and lots and lots of Maniac Mansion. Word.
Been playing online a little too, tho not very much, sadly. After so many years of RPGs, I think I'm finally getting bored with some of the aspects involved to truly accomplish much. But I think I'll still keep at it when I can, just can't tear into it like a rabid junkyard dog on a 45 year old pedophile anymore.
Looking forward greatly to The Punisher on PS2, Tom Jane did the voice over, some are very happy about this, some not so much. I am one of the people that loved the remake and liked Jane in the role of Castle. I got a cool hoody with the movie skull on it too, to bad damn Ga weather is insane. One night it's like 20 degrees, the next day it gets up to 65 or higher. Ah well, I still love cool, calm weather or light rain more than any other kind, so it's all good in that hood.
I really can't wait to get much ink soon, I just need some more cash scraped up and I'll be good to go. See sidebar for details, although alot of my ideas are currently just in my head, too lazy to add them lol.
I love Futurama, The Venture Brothers, and the Aqua Teens more than usual lately.
Sometimes when I read/type Venture, I put Ventrue instead. Interestingly enough, I don't much care for the Ventrue, I'm more into the angry, dominating types. Although they are cool.
This is a pointless update, and I commend you for reading this far. I'll spare us both and end with this quote:
"I like dirt, I like dirt, I like dirt..." (psst, who said it?)
Everyone take care.
edit -- Oh yeah also read Fight Club and Choke again. Good times. Especially good way to pass time on a plane, ESPECIALLY reading Choke if you know what I'm getting at.
another edit -- (small excerpt of what I said in a friend's journal a bit ago, you'll get the idea)
"In my journal I always have such a hard time sitting down and writing out things. It's not because I'm a poor writer or an introverted human being (although I have become the latter over the past few years), it's just that I spent so many of my younger years being "real" or "raw" and now I just feel burnt out and lost. So most of my entries are just trite filler."
How many of you feel this way? Perhaps not about entries per se, but just how you feel in your life?
ohm geez third edit -- yep I'm that fucking bored. Knocked back a few beers, and am currently listening to Tool and APC. Haven't done that in a long while. It's about 4 a.m. here, and I'm thinkin if I can't fall asleep by 8 I'll get a shitload of coffee, be sure I'm sober, and head to the range with my 357 mag and possibly rent a .22 long just for the feel of a good rifle. Then, reeking of cordite (I love that hideous sulfur smell that sticks to everything like a cheap hookers perfume on velvet), caffiene waning, I'll probably pass out. I hate day sleeping but I've probably spent 30% of my 22 years and some change doing it. Eh well.
I'm also enjoying the new season of The Surreal Life. Vern drunk off his ass was classicly funny. I really didn't think I'd find that kind of thing so funny with the mood I've held onto lately, but I got a nice chuckle out of that whole show. Ok, this is probably the last edit. Probably.

NES ROMs of shit like Punch Out, Monster Party, Spy vs. Spy, Super Dodgeball, etc. etc. Oh, and lots and lots of Maniac Mansion. Word.
Been playing online a little too, tho not very much, sadly. After so many years of RPGs, I think I'm finally getting bored with some of the aspects involved to truly accomplish much. But I think I'll still keep at it when I can, just can't tear into it like a rabid junkyard dog on a 45 year old pedophile anymore.
Looking forward greatly to The Punisher on PS2, Tom Jane did the voice over, some are very happy about this, some not so much. I am one of the people that loved the remake and liked Jane in the role of Castle. I got a cool hoody with the movie skull on it too, to bad damn Ga weather is insane. One night it's like 20 degrees, the next day it gets up to 65 or higher. Ah well, I still love cool, calm weather or light rain more than any other kind, so it's all good in that hood.
I really can't wait to get much ink soon, I just need some more cash scraped up and I'll be good to go. See sidebar for details, although alot of my ideas are currently just in my head, too lazy to add them lol.
I love Futurama, The Venture Brothers, and the Aqua Teens more than usual lately.

Sometimes when I read/type Venture, I put Ventrue instead. Interestingly enough, I don't much care for the Ventrue, I'm more into the angry, dominating types. Although they are cool.
This is a pointless update, and I commend you for reading this far. I'll spare us both and end with this quote:
"I like dirt, I like dirt, I like dirt..." (psst, who said it?)
Everyone take care.

edit -- Oh yeah also read Fight Club and Choke again. Good times. Especially good way to pass time on a plane, ESPECIALLY reading Choke if you know what I'm getting at.

another edit -- (small excerpt of what I said in a friend's journal a bit ago, you'll get the idea)
"In my journal I always have such a hard time sitting down and writing out things. It's not because I'm a poor writer or an introverted human being (although I have become the latter over the past few years), it's just that I spent so many of my younger years being "real" or "raw" and now I just feel burnt out and lost. So most of my entries are just trite filler."
How many of you feel this way? Perhaps not about entries per se, but just how you feel in your life?
ohm geez third edit -- yep I'm that fucking bored. Knocked back a few beers, and am currently listening to Tool and APC. Haven't done that in a long while. It's about 4 a.m. here, and I'm thinkin if I can't fall asleep by 8 I'll get a shitload of coffee, be sure I'm sober, and head to the range with my 357 mag and possibly rent a .22 long just for the feel of a good rifle. Then, reeking of cordite (I love that hideous sulfur smell that sticks to everything like a cheap hookers perfume on velvet), caffiene waning, I'll probably pass out. I hate day sleeping but I've probably spent 30% of my 22 years and some change doing it. Eh well.
I'm also enjoying the new season of The Surreal Life. Vern drunk off his ass was classicly funny. I really didn't think I'd find that kind of thing so funny with the mood I've held onto lately, but I got a nice chuckle out of that whole show. Ok, this is probably the last edit. Probably.

Yeah, the weather is truly freaky. It was raining earlier today, and as I was driving home it turned into snow. I'm almost afraid to look out of the window tomorrow morning.
You know, the next Zamboni Crew shirt might have something like this on the front:
Zamboni Crew: Holy Crap On A Stick!
What do you think of that?