The feast was rockin. Everything I cooked got consumed, no leftovers! That makes me happy. Of course, we still have plenty of leftovers in general, which makes me even happier! I still don't know what to make for the ATLien get together on the 11th, but Khryptic offered some good advice the other day I'll most likely take, as I am out of ideas. As for drinks, maybe some Wild Turkey or Cap'n Morgan. Probably going Monday to get my ssc, when the wait will be under 3 hours. I hope. Now, just cleaning up the dishes and shit, probably going out a little later. Hopefully I'll get to hang with Jem and/or Oryon sometime this weekend, as we've all been planning to see one another for the past week. I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving or at least time off work haha. Take care.
postscript - Play Snake Eater if you have access. It's brilliant.
edit to add - They have all these different themed Fear Factors....who thinks it's time for Fear Factor: SG?
edit to add part 2:
Taken in part from my LJ,
I posted this on message boards and got quite a few wonderful, supportive responses. What I was responding to was a man that worked for Konami during Metal Gear 3's production. PETA is upset that you hunt and kill animals and eat them to survive in the game. They think it gives kids a negative message on the treatment of animals. First of all, it's not like you kill fluffy the poodle, you kill frogs, snakes, bugs, some wild birds, is wrong with PETA? When a man is crawling through the jungle, on a mission to save America from a nuclear holocaust, and he decides "no, better not eat that fish, PETA will be sore with me", starves to death and dies, and we all get fucked...I'm going to slap every uptight asshole I see on the street before the shockwave hits me. Anyway, this is what I said in response to their letter:
From: lastfirstborn | Posted: 11/26/2004 11:01:11 PM | Message Detail
Moronic. Darkness said it best up there, shame on nature for humans needing to eat to live. What does PETA think we did before we had our precooked meals and fast food joints? (which aren't much better) We HUNTED and ate creatures. It's in our design. Oh gasp. Oh faint. Screw them. Anytime I see an ambulance chasing lawyer bashing Manhunt/GTA or PETA being against METAL FREAKING GEAR, I just shake my head, laugh, and pray they don't get enough like minded idiots to sign their damn petitions. Because so long as they don't do serious damage, all they do is give a game publicity. Which is good, to an extent.
I once visited some website, forget what it was (mothers against gaming or something like that), and it's so amazing how stupid they all were. They presented absolutely zero argument and all they proved was that they're angry because they can't babysit their own underage children. They need to stop blaming the damn media and start taking care of their own. This is why games and movies have RATINGS. They aren't there for the eye candy people. Ugh. Not to mention, it IS possible to go all the way through every Metal Gear title and not hurt a single person or animal. In fact, I've done it on every Sony MGS title to this day, just to prove it was possible, and because I have no life. >
I hear the sound of a heart
from the shadow in the dark
Anywho, I did a little research on what that site was that pissed me off (non PETA related). It's:
Here's another one against STAR WARS:
And here's a nice little satire of the whole damn situation:
Do me a favor guys. If you find you have some free time on this grand ole interweb of ours, how about emailing these fine folks and letting them know how you feel. Don't be immature or pepper it with curse words, just bombard them with intelligence and reason. You'll soon find, they have little to no retort, and zero argument, period. I've sent a good many emails to MAG, and they never answer a single one. But when I used a public libary's computer and a fake email address saying I was 14, and was very, very angry and obscene, they responded within two days, belitting me and acting holier than thou. Go figure.
Hey, you veggies, don't think me a meat eating bastard, k? I'm not saying it's great to devour every beast near you. I'm outraged strictly because they're against a harmless gaming. k? I'm actually quite interested in the veggie lifestyle...but I don't think I'm strong enough for that. I gotta have my meat...
postscript - Play Snake Eater if you have access. It's brilliant.
edit to add - They have all these different themed Fear Factors....who thinks it's time for Fear Factor: SG?
edit to add part 2:
Taken in part from my LJ,
I posted this on message boards and got quite a few wonderful, supportive responses. What I was responding to was a man that worked for Konami during Metal Gear 3's production. PETA is upset that you hunt and kill animals and eat them to survive in the game. They think it gives kids a negative message on the treatment of animals. First of all, it's not like you kill fluffy the poodle, you kill frogs, snakes, bugs, some wild birds, is wrong with PETA? When a man is crawling through the jungle, on a mission to save America from a nuclear holocaust, and he decides "no, better not eat that fish, PETA will be sore with me", starves to death and dies, and we all get fucked...I'm going to slap every uptight asshole I see on the street before the shockwave hits me. Anyway, this is what I said in response to their letter:
From: lastfirstborn | Posted: 11/26/2004 11:01:11 PM | Message Detail
Moronic. Darkness said it best up there, shame on nature for humans needing to eat to live. What does PETA think we did before we had our precooked meals and fast food joints? (which aren't much better) We HUNTED and ate creatures. It's in our design. Oh gasp. Oh faint. Screw them. Anytime I see an ambulance chasing lawyer bashing Manhunt/GTA or PETA being against METAL FREAKING GEAR, I just shake my head, laugh, and pray they don't get enough like minded idiots to sign their damn petitions. Because so long as they don't do serious damage, all they do is give a game publicity. Which is good, to an extent.
I once visited some website, forget what it was (mothers against gaming or something like that), and it's so amazing how stupid they all were. They presented absolutely zero argument and all they proved was that they're angry because they can't babysit their own underage children. They need to stop blaming the damn media and start taking care of their own. This is why games and movies have RATINGS. They aren't there for the eye candy people. Ugh. Not to mention, it IS possible to go all the way through every Metal Gear title and not hurt a single person or animal. In fact, I've done it on every Sony MGS title to this day, just to prove it was possible, and because I have no life. >
I hear the sound of a heart
from the shadow in the dark
Anywho, I did a little research on what that site was that pissed me off (non PETA related). It's:
Here's another one against STAR WARS:
And here's a nice little satire of the whole damn situation:
Do me a favor guys. If you find you have some free time on this grand ole interweb of ours, how about emailing these fine folks and letting them know how you feel. Don't be immature or pepper it with curse words, just bombard them with intelligence and reason. You'll soon find, they have little to no retort, and zero argument, period. I've sent a good many emails to MAG, and they never answer a single one. But when I used a public libary's computer and a fake email address saying I was 14, and was very, very angry and obscene, they responded within two days, belitting me and acting holier than thou. Go figure.
Hey, you veggies, don't think me a meat eating bastard, k? I'm not saying it's great to devour every beast near you. I'm outraged strictly because they're against a harmless gaming. k? I'm actually quite interested in the veggie lifestyle...but I don't think I'm strong enough for that. I gotta have my meat...
I don't remember if I posted you a thank-you yet. If not: Thank-you for offering your services for the problem with my computer I need a guy like you in my corner. I hope I get to meet you at the holiday party. December 11th. I need to be reminded. I'm writing it on a sticky & putting it on the fridge and mirrors. Is everyone pretty cool at these things?
So cannot wait for the 11th. Hope you're there.