This update will be kinda short, my LJ one is a bit longer but has alot of nonSG related stuff in it so no sense in copy/pasting it all.
Haven't slept or eaten in a while, so here's a quick rundown:
Saw some friends I haven't seen in years, as well as hung out with a dear old one. Was bummed out about money and how I couldn't make the Children of Bodom with Fear Factory concert, but lo and behold, and I have kickass lady friends! My friend Jenn called me and said free ticket for a late bday present...fuck yeah. So we hit up the Masqurade a few hours ago, and I'm very, very fucking sore. I had a blast, seriously. That show EXPLODED. Brilliance. Sheer.
Also played cellphone text tag with Jem about seeing The Grudge some time tomorrow, should be exellente to reunite the sexual chocolate with the red hogwarts express deluxe! I also plan on calling up Cap'n Oryon, to see what his work schedule is like. Also, yay, he just came back from the gray abyss, wonderful! Glad to have you back, you crazy bastard you. And btw, beat Legends, Master Mold, wow. Insanity. Once I figured out the trick, he wasn't so terrible though.
Silent Festival needs to be up and running, so much Halloween Greatknife talk takes place on the morrow. I think there is a local SG thing about seeing Saw that coming Friday, and I'd love to do that. Thanks for the invite sexual choc! My greatknife has, and forever shall, bring all the James to tha yard!!! Then maybe Silent Fest starts up Saturday? Should be crazy, and bloody if all goes as planned! I just wonder if it can be done. Wow, my dorkdom knows no bounds. Time to crash. Later!
Haven't slept or eaten in a while, so here's a quick rundown:
Saw some friends I haven't seen in years, as well as hung out with a dear old one. Was bummed out about money and how I couldn't make the Children of Bodom with Fear Factory concert, but lo and behold, and I have kickass lady friends! My friend Jenn called me and said free ticket for a late bday present...fuck yeah. So we hit up the Masqurade a few hours ago, and I'm very, very fucking sore. I had a blast, seriously. That show EXPLODED. Brilliance. Sheer.
Also played cellphone text tag with Jem about seeing The Grudge some time tomorrow, should be exellente to reunite the sexual chocolate with the red hogwarts express deluxe! I also plan on calling up Cap'n Oryon, to see what his work schedule is like. Also, yay, he just came back from the gray abyss, wonderful! Glad to have you back, you crazy bastard you. And btw, beat Legends, Master Mold, wow. Insanity. Once I figured out the trick, he wasn't so terrible though.
Silent Festival needs to be up and running, so much Halloween Greatknife talk takes place on the morrow. I think there is a local SG thing about seeing Saw that coming Friday, and I'd love to do that. Thanks for the invite sexual choc! My greatknife has, and forever shall, bring all the James to tha yard!!! Then maybe Silent Fest starts up Saturday? Should be crazy, and bloody if all goes as planned! I just wonder if it can be done. Wow, my dorkdom knows no bounds. Time to crash. Later!

Your dorkdom may know no bounds, but that's okay. We've all got a bit of dorkiness inside of us, and I'm certainly no exception!