Riversplash... Wow i am getting sick of people in milwaukee.... Everybody always wants to start shit... And being non confrontational i avoid shit... People shooting.... throwing bottles and shit at cops... I say we let everone who thinks they are tough and bad ass fight it out in an arena to the death.. That way there is only one idiot left and we can just lock him up. Some dude wanted to fight me because i brushed up against his arm as i was trying to pass him in a large crowd. A large fucking crowd. What do you think is gonna happen man? He just kept yelling at me, "You didn't see my arm!?!? You didn't see my fucking arm!?!?" The scariest part was i didn't get the sense that this guy was even drunk. And honestly i didn't see that i bumped his arm. I am a fairly polite person and i would have apologized and said exscuse me. And then in milwaukee... somebody shot at some people because they laughed at his girlfriend for tripping ala drunkstyle... what the hell is this city coming to? I need to move to the woods or some shit... Far away from this.