Ok got the bike put all together... Finally... Then went and did an oil change... Unfortunately the only place open on a sunday was advance auto parts... What a bunch of fucking douchebags... I knew exactly what oil filter i needed and the tool at the counter tries to tell me that his precious computer tells me i need a k&n oil filter that costs thirty dollars... I say fuck you i need a fram that is five bucks... Aforementioned dingleberry then tells me that he doesn't carry that filter. So i walk over to the shelves and low and behold theres the fucking filter... No as for customer service i will never recommend advance auto parts... The only good thing was they carried royal purple oil... Shit cost a few extra bucks but my bike purrs better than new now... Lets ride kiddies... And remember bikes are everywhere!!! Please be careful.... (this goes to you all you fucking crazy people that don't use turn signals and don't check blind spots)!!!! And if you ever see me flying by you at 90 mph its because im trying to get ahead of the douchbag that keeps swerving into my lane because hes too busy talking on the cell phone.... Hit me up if you wanna ride!!!!