Holy shit I feel like the walking dead.... 58 hours at work this week... Yah the paycheck is gonna be phenominal but what the hell does a zombie need to buy any way? Just give me a brain to munch on and a piece of metal to stare at and im good to go. So as for the next 2 days my schedule is as follows.... go to work at 5:15 am... work until 4:30 p.m., go home, shower, be at next job at 6 p.m. work until 11p.m. or whenever the fucking customers feel like leaving (i had some crazy ass girls think we were 24 hours and sat there until midnight last week--if they werent cute I woulda made them leave. ) sleep for a few hours and repeat. So you all have fun with your exciting lives whilst i live mine at work.... blah.... come tip me....
Which restaurant do you "live" at? I will tip you, but I think you'd have to find time to come to my job and tip me