Dear Old Mate Bloggers,
Now we will talk about saturday, as in this saturday just gone. The second of July or whatever month we choose to be in. Well, we really havent dont anything spectacular of late, thus the lack of blogs. Except earlier in the week the shit hit the fan and we have people wanting to bash us for our naughty ways. We are all kinds of arseholes you see. Its times like these we need Lurch to come to QLD with his long awkward fingers and pock them in the eye. We drank Friday night and one of us who keeps randomly vomiting, surprisingly enough, vomited. How emo vegan loser trendy.
Saturday was a day of disguises, leisure and cheesecake. We drove to West End without killing ourselves and anybody else whilst taking a million photos at every opportunity.
Despite the fact that people wanted to bash us up, we said, "FUCK THEM ALL, FUCK THEM IN THEIR STUPID ARSES!!" and we put on our disguises, hit the pub and proceeded to get drank. We ran into old mates at the Kerrang pub and not long after that peeps started a fist fight at the bar and we exited stage left for the local blue light. Here we ran into high school bullies that love us now and told us that we were with them so to take off our disguises and they'd be our bodyguards. Many drinks were drank, kisses were given, looks were shared, the obligatory "are you gay?" question was asked and way too many compliments were given. We were sitting near these two toothless redneck deadshits who spent the whole night asking whether we were from magazines because we were fucking gorgeous. It was all too much. Yeah, we are hot, but its normally a case of, if we dont tell us, nobody else will.... so yeah, it wore thin very quickly.
We picked up a young hottie patottie who wanted to be mates with us all through high school, but couldnt bring herself to talk to us, probably because we looked like wannabe goths. Black hair up this way = goth. We are making our new friend come to Sunk Loto with us on Thursday. Hot. One of us upped and walked home without saying a word and the other had a D&M with a mate who she expected a punch from, but got peace, love and understanding instead. Coincidently, she is now in the shit because of our big mouths. All in all, it was a good, good night kids.
Shout out to the Merch boy. Dont miss us too much ya big gay poof. We went over your way today and picked ourselves up four 4 pieces of peanut butter cheesecake and had pumpkin pasta bake. So good. Cookie just drooled on our legs and it's about as attractive as our arseholes. While we think of it Merc, have you been to old matie mate The Lychee Bar? We had a few beverages there today, quite the right place to park our beer swigging arses. We merged the puppy like it was us mounting ourselves on Johnny Depp.
Have you ever noticed how hardcore cookie reeks like poop right now? We think old mate red head needs to come shave his bot bot and pubic region again.
How many of you people are going to join Lasonja at the Rev Thursday night? We swear we are bringing a really hot chick.. Not to mention that the band itself are quite attractive young boys. And young they are. You can approach us at the bar and buy us drinks. We look like stretched, elongated people.
The man came over today and he pat Teal on the head. Taking measurements or spying on us? We'll never know, but we did spot his secret webcam spy device. Much like the one we have used on aliens and merc.
On Saturday we are going to a gig that is for 13 - 17 year olds. Does anyone have any ideas on how we can get into this gig without looking suspicious? We were thinking of dressing up in fishnet stockings, make-up and high heels.
We must leave, the time has come. We have taken up kickbox, iceskate, linedance, karate fighting. All in the name of protecting our pretty faces. We simply cannot let someone smack us in the face to ruin our good looks. Watch your backs arseholes.
Now we will talk about saturday, as in this saturday just gone. The second of July or whatever month we choose to be in. Well, we really havent dont anything spectacular of late, thus the lack of blogs. Except earlier in the week the shit hit the fan and we have people wanting to bash us for our naughty ways. We are all kinds of arseholes you see. Its times like these we need Lurch to come to QLD with his long awkward fingers and pock them in the eye. We drank Friday night and one of us who keeps randomly vomiting, surprisingly enough, vomited. How emo vegan loser trendy.
Saturday was a day of disguises, leisure and cheesecake. We drove to West End without killing ourselves and anybody else whilst taking a million photos at every opportunity.
Despite the fact that people wanted to bash us up, we said, "FUCK THEM ALL, FUCK THEM IN THEIR STUPID ARSES!!" and we put on our disguises, hit the pub and proceeded to get drank. We ran into old mates at the Kerrang pub and not long after that peeps started a fist fight at the bar and we exited stage left for the local blue light. Here we ran into high school bullies that love us now and told us that we were with them so to take off our disguises and they'd be our bodyguards. Many drinks were drank, kisses were given, looks were shared, the obligatory "are you gay?" question was asked and way too many compliments were given. We were sitting near these two toothless redneck deadshits who spent the whole night asking whether we were from magazines because we were fucking gorgeous. It was all too much. Yeah, we are hot, but its normally a case of, if we dont tell us, nobody else will.... so yeah, it wore thin very quickly.
We picked up a young hottie patottie who wanted to be mates with us all through high school, but couldnt bring herself to talk to us, probably because we looked like wannabe goths. Black hair up this way = goth. We are making our new friend come to Sunk Loto with us on Thursday. Hot. One of us upped and walked home without saying a word and the other had a D&M with a mate who she expected a punch from, but got peace, love and understanding instead. Coincidently, she is now in the shit because of our big mouths. All in all, it was a good, good night kids.
Shout out to the Merch boy. Dont miss us too much ya big gay poof. We went over your way today and picked ourselves up four 4 pieces of peanut butter cheesecake and had pumpkin pasta bake. So good. Cookie just drooled on our legs and it's about as attractive as our arseholes. While we think of it Merc, have you been to old matie mate The Lychee Bar? We had a few beverages there today, quite the right place to park our beer swigging arses. We merged the puppy like it was us mounting ourselves on Johnny Depp.
Have you ever noticed how hardcore cookie reeks like poop right now? We think old mate red head needs to come shave his bot bot and pubic region again.
How many of you people are going to join Lasonja at the Rev Thursday night? We swear we are bringing a really hot chick.. Not to mention that the band itself are quite attractive young boys. And young they are. You can approach us at the bar and buy us drinks. We look like stretched, elongated people.
The man came over today and he pat Teal on the head. Taking measurements or spying on us? We'll never know, but we did spot his secret webcam spy device. Much like the one we have used on aliens and merc.
On Saturday we are going to a gig that is for 13 - 17 year olds. Does anyone have any ideas on how we can get into this gig without looking suspicious? We were thinking of dressing up in fishnet stockings, make-up and high heels.
We must leave, the time has come. We have taken up kickbox, iceskate, linedance, karate fighting. All in the name of protecting our pretty faces. We simply cannot let someone smack us in the face to ruin our good looks. Watch your backs arseholes.

i'm in the bad sleep patterns over here.
they've requested i play air guitar to the drums. but maybe not in geraldton. we had trouble there with the coffin cheaters (local bikies) in 99. you get that though.
ooga booga i heard someone say by name.
ha ha ha ha well i am currently thinking of how and when i can make myself manage to make my way up to your neck o'da woods, to do some eye poking. sounds like fun. so why would any arseholes be wanting to bash up my arseholes. that simply will not do. i need to have me some eye candy and i wouldn't be a happy boy if that were taken away from me.
i like merch have had troubles with an m.c. in the past (different club though). but i haven't heard heads nor tales since i got my nose broke a few years back. must all be sorted. anyway, you two hotnesses are full of hotness, and let no other persons ever tell you otherwise or else i shall have to show them what the meaning of ugly is. ME. and then they shall have nightmares for years upon years upon decades even.
i think you girls actually look young enough to make the under 18's if you just act all giggly and stuff. that should be enough to get you in. how hard do you think i would have to try to get in to an under 18's only gig??? i think it would be near impossible.
you two gorgeous things look after yourselves and don't let yourselves get bashed.