Dear Bloggers and friends alike!!!
Hows this for another Satdy eve? Thats right, back to the Kerrang locals we go. Connor is doing some weird shit behind us, hes trying to mount all parts of our bodies. We tried to give him a mohawk last time he visited, but we were too lame to go through with it. Now we have given him a nice black patch on his white head, just so we can call him "little white dog with a black spot on his head".
Does anyone want a puppy? We have 8 to get to rid of. You have 24 hours to respond. They are free and sexyl and need a home.
Dear Merch, we are coming to visit your new place on Wednesday. We have to call into the city to get some tickets to various events such as the mystery show and sunk lotto, but after that we are all yours. Should we go for some food on this fine day? Maybe we shouldnt, you look like you'd eat your young. Definitely no inner city driving though arsehole. You can come and get us from the station. What station do we go to now? Southbank?? Cleveland? Robina? What?
We are definitely on the piss already and you are all jealous. You are jealous because we have coolers on our drinks, to keep them cool and shit. You are definitely, definitely most jealous because we have guide to better living beer coasters to place our beverages on. We went round to Sams just before to help her move some more stuff into her new home. We love our new home, mostly cos Wilson sleeps in our room on our boobs. This is the party room which Merch has to christen. Mercus, will you be home around the 9th? Or are you "on tour"... you big gay poof. This is a night you should set aside for us. Cos its a house warming party for our house.
FUCKEN FILTHY PRICK!!!!!! Connor is humping one of our jackets that I have to wear out tonight. So not hot right now Conbag.
Shout outs to new matie mates that reply to our shit. You love it, but we love it more. You think we tell tall tales, but this is actually what we do everyday. When we were walking up the road just now we saw again a garden bed. Good moment.
Next weekend, Sunk Loto.. Ya'll should come. Especially you Merc, just because you look good. You'd make "Lawton" look hot. We bet you are looking at your phone right now waiting for all our drunken text messages. It will probably be a good two hours before we get going. We've only just started on our 6 pack, its usually when we get to "KT's" that you get the good shit.
Can we borrow a white dress?
Amanda should come get connor now. He reeks. We even gave him a bath. Lame is the new F word. Anyone that is replying to us, please try and use the word "lame" as much as possible. That would be really lame, thanks.
What does everyone think of our lame photos?? To beard or not to beard??? that is the question. We think we look better with the beard and golf balls.
Old mate Wilson went home last night. We miss her and her slinky white pants. She slept on our bed at the new house last night though, right next to us and the margarita bottles. Why hasnt Angus Oblong replied to our email yet? He must be busy with other personal portraits. Either that, or stunned by our beauty. We guess its the latter.
We reckon our beers are going warm sitting here so we are gonna love ya and leave ya. Daniels keyboard sucks arse.
Hows this for another Satdy eve? Thats right, back to the Kerrang locals we go. Connor is doing some weird shit behind us, hes trying to mount all parts of our bodies. We tried to give him a mohawk last time he visited, but we were too lame to go through with it. Now we have given him a nice black patch on his white head, just so we can call him "little white dog with a black spot on his head".
Does anyone want a puppy? We have 8 to get to rid of. You have 24 hours to respond. They are free and sexyl and need a home.
Dear Merch, we are coming to visit your new place on Wednesday. We have to call into the city to get some tickets to various events such as the mystery show and sunk lotto, but after that we are all yours. Should we go for some food on this fine day? Maybe we shouldnt, you look like you'd eat your young. Definitely no inner city driving though arsehole. You can come and get us from the station. What station do we go to now? Southbank?? Cleveland? Robina? What?
We are definitely on the piss already and you are all jealous. You are jealous because we have coolers on our drinks, to keep them cool and shit. You are definitely, definitely most jealous because we have guide to better living beer coasters to place our beverages on. We went round to Sams just before to help her move some more stuff into her new home. We love our new home, mostly cos Wilson sleeps in our room on our boobs. This is the party room which Merch has to christen. Mercus, will you be home around the 9th? Or are you "on tour"... you big gay poof. This is a night you should set aside for us. Cos its a house warming party for our house.
FUCKEN FILTHY PRICK!!!!!! Connor is humping one of our jackets that I have to wear out tonight. So not hot right now Conbag.
Shout outs to new matie mates that reply to our shit. You love it, but we love it more. You think we tell tall tales, but this is actually what we do everyday. When we were walking up the road just now we saw again a garden bed. Good moment.
Next weekend, Sunk Loto.. Ya'll should come. Especially you Merc, just because you look good. You'd make "Lawton" look hot. We bet you are looking at your phone right now waiting for all our drunken text messages. It will probably be a good two hours before we get going. We've only just started on our 6 pack, its usually when we get to "KT's" that you get the good shit.
Can we borrow a white dress?
Amanda should come get connor now. He reeks. We even gave him a bath. Lame is the new F word. Anyone that is replying to us, please try and use the word "lame" as much as possible. That would be really lame, thanks.
What does everyone think of our lame photos?? To beard or not to beard??? that is the question. We think we look better with the beard and golf balls.
Old mate Wilson went home last night. We miss her and her slinky white pants. She slept on our bed at the new house last night though, right next to us and the margarita bottles. Why hasnt Angus Oblong replied to our email yet? He must be busy with other personal portraits. Either that, or stunned by our beauty. We guess its the latter.
We reckon our beers are going warm sitting here so we are gonna love ya and leave ya. Daniels keyboard sucks arse.
how have you been? how was the weekend?
this week would be good. saturday night okay with you guys. i'm doing night shift mon -> thurs and in the truck friday day and saturday day. so saturday is more than kool with this lame weirdo. is it kool if i bring a mate along for the trip. it is a bit of a hike in for me, so i asked him if he wanted to come in. besides he doesn't know it yet but he is driving back, so i can drink!!!
what are you guys down this way for???
i love your dearest ________ comments. they rule!