Dear Bloggers and old mates alike,
Lasonja is back and still looking for love! We dumped Merc as he was shit in the sack and now we are looking for someone to fill his position. How funny are we? We read all our old blogs and giggled like church girls. Cookie isnt into it, he moved out from under his carpet rug. So who wants an update of what we did for the past year? you all do, we know it.
We love August because its Ekka time. We are really shit at this now because we arent drinking, you see.
So, how bout we just skip all of last year and start talking about this year? Yeah, good idea fool.
The new year started out with wonderful gifts. Gifts from the heart. One half of Lasonja looked into a bin at McDonalds as a nice gift for the other half of the Lasonja. She couldnt have loved that gift more... laughing about it still to this day. The other gift we received was The White Stripes and The Mars Volta playing the BDO.
But wait, we clearly have something else we need to be talking about. There was this one night that we were at the local blue light and we were all about foot stomping and body grinding. Little did we know there were 2 barely of age young men that were stalking us. Clearly we were the girls for them. We didnt fight it. Our local blue light, including the bar staff had no idea of the events that would unfold that there weekend. But anywho, looking back, why did we go there so much? Forget all this garbage, lets talk about the next night and how one half of Lasonja left the disco club earlier, like hours earlier. The other half of Lasonja got home at about 3am and saw that the car was still parked out the front, so assumed the other half must be inside asleep or did indeed walk home. Upon gaining entry into her bedroom, she discovered there was no lasonja in sight, the bitch had walked home again. or so we thought. This half drifted off to sleep and thought nothing more of it, only to be awoken by the other half at around 7am who was standing at the end of the bed yelling, "BEADS DUDE, BEADS, DUDE, BEADS DUDE" and pointing to her drinking beads. She then proceeded to crawl into bed next to this half and curl up into a tiny ball. Upon waking up properly the clock told this half something was fishy. Wasnt the other half supposed to be at work an hour ago? and how come she was here when she was nowhere to be seen at 3am? where did she go? not even she can answer this. She awoke on the front doorstep, legs sprawled everywhere leaning into the bricks. The wallet was thrown into the garden. This half tapped her and said, are you sposed to be going to work today? the other half replies with, yes, i am. This half says, well, its like, 7o'clock... The other half goes, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit and rushes into her car to get to work.. Only then a few moments later shes back inside going, ummmmmm, i backed into your mums car. Good times indeed. We still do things you see.
Other things include one of us stranding ourselves in the city with no wallet, no phone, no monies, no nothing. Then heading to Police Beat to hang out with the coppers for a while. We also became addicted to the zorro pokie machine and winning monies. We forgot about the forest and atomica for a while. We also saw meg and cedric make things look sexy right in front of us.. and in the front of the bus. We fulfilled our goal of getting cunted with meg, ($400 bucks and a handful of free merch from the greenhornes later).
Does anyone want a cat? Hes cool and his name is Bling. Sif you wouldnt want a cat with a name like that. Our friends mum is sending him to the pound today if we cant find him a home. Damn menopause. Photos will be posted as soon as we pick him up. We'll be his last good home if we cant find someone to take him, as we're only allowed to have him for a week. Please hook a brother up. He wears fluffy pants and sprays everywhere, but we'll fix that and have him desexed.
Cookie got shaved! No shit! he looks like lukes cat now! He wears fluffy leg, head and tail pants. He wont stay in his blanket though, so he will have to suffer through his shivers.
So, lasonja momentarily became Lason and ja. Its true. We had bitch fights after we became professional karate, boxing, iceskate, high jump, beat box, leggin wearing fighters. We clearly wanted to test our new skills on each other. Worked perfectly. Nothing a good flow of alcohol and the greenhornes coudnt fix though. Speaking of which, you can thank us for the greenhornes knowing the phrase "old mates".. thats right, and we know they use it a lot.
What else? we have so much to say, yet we cant remember anything. Not a lot has happened in a year quite clearly. One thing we have missed is BABYFIREFLY. You fucken hot trout of a mole. We are gonna hook all you kids up with our touring schedule again soon, but for now we have to tell babyfirefly that we will be in sydney for the yeah yeah yeahs, so we should totally hook up for a fuck.. or some beverages. Either/or, we arent fussy. We are very intellect and we still hate pants.
Merc is home from touring with Wolfmother, but we dont even care now. We have new people to be obsessing over.. Its just gonna take us a while to remember his name is all. For now we'll call him eimi. Hes tall, very tall. And slightly feminine, but still hot.
Cookie is cuter than all a ya'll! We have a new found obsession with American Dad. Early bird catches the worm, ehhhhh.
I am holding still, i am struggling.
Where is lurch at these days? Come back lurch. Why are there no attractive males in Brisbane? We are still looking for gentle butterflies, but they no fly around here. And theres still that ongoing issue of concern about drink holders in mattresses. Where are they? we are drinking more and more frozen cokes every week, yet still no holders.
Right now we are gonna go and eat something or another.
Fuck off and still looking for love,
Lasonja is back and still looking for love! We dumped Merc as he was shit in the sack and now we are looking for someone to fill his position. How funny are we? We read all our old blogs and giggled like church girls. Cookie isnt into it, he moved out from under his carpet rug. So who wants an update of what we did for the past year? you all do, we know it.
We love August because its Ekka time. We are really shit at this now because we arent drinking, you see.
So, how bout we just skip all of last year and start talking about this year? Yeah, good idea fool.
The new year started out with wonderful gifts. Gifts from the heart. One half of Lasonja looked into a bin at McDonalds as a nice gift for the other half of the Lasonja. She couldnt have loved that gift more... laughing about it still to this day. The other gift we received was The White Stripes and The Mars Volta playing the BDO.
But wait, we clearly have something else we need to be talking about. There was this one night that we were at the local blue light and we were all about foot stomping and body grinding. Little did we know there were 2 barely of age young men that were stalking us. Clearly we were the girls for them. We didnt fight it. Our local blue light, including the bar staff had no idea of the events that would unfold that there weekend. But anywho, looking back, why did we go there so much? Forget all this garbage, lets talk about the next night and how one half of Lasonja left the disco club earlier, like hours earlier. The other half of Lasonja got home at about 3am and saw that the car was still parked out the front, so assumed the other half must be inside asleep or did indeed walk home. Upon gaining entry into her bedroom, she discovered there was no lasonja in sight, the bitch had walked home again. or so we thought. This half drifted off to sleep and thought nothing more of it, only to be awoken by the other half at around 7am who was standing at the end of the bed yelling, "BEADS DUDE, BEADS, DUDE, BEADS DUDE" and pointing to her drinking beads. She then proceeded to crawl into bed next to this half and curl up into a tiny ball. Upon waking up properly the clock told this half something was fishy. Wasnt the other half supposed to be at work an hour ago? and how come she was here when she was nowhere to be seen at 3am? where did she go? not even she can answer this. She awoke on the front doorstep, legs sprawled everywhere leaning into the bricks. The wallet was thrown into the garden. This half tapped her and said, are you sposed to be going to work today? the other half replies with, yes, i am. This half says, well, its like, 7o'clock... The other half goes, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit and rushes into her car to get to work.. Only then a few moments later shes back inside going, ummmmmm, i backed into your mums car. Good times indeed. We still do things you see.
Other things include one of us stranding ourselves in the city with no wallet, no phone, no monies, no nothing. Then heading to Police Beat to hang out with the coppers for a while. We also became addicted to the zorro pokie machine and winning monies. We forgot about the forest and atomica for a while. We also saw meg and cedric make things look sexy right in front of us.. and in the front of the bus. We fulfilled our goal of getting cunted with meg, ($400 bucks and a handful of free merch from the greenhornes later).
Does anyone want a cat? Hes cool and his name is Bling. Sif you wouldnt want a cat with a name like that. Our friends mum is sending him to the pound today if we cant find him a home. Damn menopause. Photos will be posted as soon as we pick him up. We'll be his last good home if we cant find someone to take him, as we're only allowed to have him for a week. Please hook a brother up. He wears fluffy pants and sprays everywhere, but we'll fix that and have him desexed.
Cookie got shaved! No shit! he looks like lukes cat now! He wears fluffy leg, head and tail pants. He wont stay in his blanket though, so he will have to suffer through his shivers.
So, lasonja momentarily became Lason and ja. Its true. We had bitch fights after we became professional karate, boxing, iceskate, high jump, beat box, leggin wearing fighters. We clearly wanted to test our new skills on each other. Worked perfectly. Nothing a good flow of alcohol and the greenhornes coudnt fix though. Speaking of which, you can thank us for the greenhornes knowing the phrase "old mates".. thats right, and we know they use it a lot.
What else? we have so much to say, yet we cant remember anything. Not a lot has happened in a year quite clearly. One thing we have missed is BABYFIREFLY. You fucken hot trout of a mole. We are gonna hook all you kids up with our touring schedule again soon, but for now we have to tell babyfirefly that we will be in sydney for the yeah yeah yeahs, so we should totally hook up for a fuck.. or some beverages. Either/or, we arent fussy. We are very intellect and we still hate pants.
Merc is home from touring with Wolfmother, but we dont even care now. We have new people to be obsessing over.. Its just gonna take us a while to remember his name is all. For now we'll call him eimi. Hes tall, very tall. And slightly feminine, but still hot.
Cookie is cuter than all a ya'll! We have a new found obsession with American Dad. Early bird catches the worm, ehhhhh.
I am holding still, i am struggling.
Where is lurch at these days? Come back lurch. Why are there no attractive males in Brisbane? We are still looking for gentle butterflies, but they no fly around here. And theres still that ongoing issue of concern about drink holders in mattresses. Where are they? we are drinking more and more frozen cokes every week, yet still no holders.
Right now we are gonna go and eat something or another.
Fuck off and still looking for love,

BTW, i still have those pictures of lasonja somewhere in my pics
i don't dig this shit.... it's all about imature school boy bitch stuff for me you smelly pirate hookers.