hot chicks! please show up at my door step by the dozen
well do you think that texting is dangerous while driving?
try this on for size. so i was riding passenger in my car, while my friend was driving. He is have some emotional woman issues, but besides the point. I took his fone and started texting to someone, and in the middle of the text i look up and we are blasting off the road into a drain ditch, then through someones front yard.
my poor car
sooooooooooooo, is texting while driving dangerous. well shit ya got me, i am a firm beliver now!holy hell that was scary.
anyways i kicked my friend in the dick. i am kinda pissed about this hole deal. he is acting like it is trouble on his part. like o i feel bad this and that. well motha fucka if u feel so bad maybe u can help pay for the fixing of my car. right?
perfect timing i guess since my car is going into the shop on monday. fucking dick head. who the fuck crashes when they are not even texting, but the passenger is! like holy hell.

well do you think that texting is dangerous while driving?
try this on for size. so i was riding passenger in my car, while my friend was driving. He is have some emotional woman issues, but besides the point. I took his fone and started texting to someone, and in the middle of the text i look up and we are blasting off the road into a drain ditch, then through someones front yard.

sooooooooooooo, is texting while driving dangerous. well shit ya got me, i am a firm beliver now!holy hell that was scary.
anyways i kicked my friend in the dick. i am kinda pissed about this hole deal. he is acting like it is trouble on his part. like o i feel bad this and that. well motha fucka if u feel so bad maybe u can help pay for the fixing of my car. right?
perfect timing i guess since my car is going into the shop on monday. fucking dick head. who the fuck crashes when they are not even texting, but the passenger is! like holy hell.