WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWW This weather fucking blows!!!!!!!
So, im here at my buddys house trying to pass the time before i get on a plane to Utah. The most interesting and depressing weather is happening here in NH. Well it has been raining all fucking day. first i woke up to a fucking pond in my drive way. Yeah way sweet, just what i wanted to do before i went to work. Went out shoveled a trench for the water to get out, got soaked, met my neighbor, already forgot his name, lil kid acorss the street was going crazy around me. But, i still have to walk bare foot to my car for work, so i didnt have wet shoes.
Work went good, kinda sorta. Hopfully i get a new job, i am so over dunkin donuts and this store.
Anyways got outa work, went home changed and ready for my day of travels here. Then got on the road and started the almost two hour drive to manchester to get on a plane at 6am. right now im at a buddys house in concord which is about half way inbetween my home and the airport. He is alseep, but sweet that i get to take a break from my drive here. Anyways the fucking drive down here is fucking miserable. So driving in the rain sucks enough as it is. Well driving at night sucks as it is, since it was like 11 when i left my house. But, sure enough something had to go wrong. So im just driving along and all of a sudden my driver side wiper blade decides it wants to hang out on my driver side window, instead of my windsheild. fucking fantastic right?
so basicly i drove an hour with no wipers. thankfully rainX helps out like a mother fucker. driving along trying to fuck with my wipers. they work for like 10 wipes and then decide to get all fucked up. Never mind driving in the rain, but also being worried that at any momment the intense rain that has been going on all day is going to turn to snow. this storm that is hanging over us is half rain half snow. The weather people are saying that if it turns to snow that we could be getting like one or two feet of snow. This is kinda a bummer because exactly as im leaving the east coast to go snowboard on the west coast, the east decides to get a dump of snow. perfect since the past two weeks have been misserable conditions, except for like one good day mixed in there.
Yeah so im driving down the highway with no wipers, trying and praying for them to work. sticking my arm out the window pushing the wiper back onto the windsheild. grrrrrrrr what amess. my car needs some serious work.
So i think im gona wait untill like about two here, then head down to manchest and hit up this 24 hour dinner and get some food before my day of travels. i woke up at 11 on sunday morning, and wont be going to sleep untill i get on a plane on monday morning. hopfully there are no delays because of the weather. it sounds like the rain is slowing down, which can only mean it is turning over to snow. yeah i dont wana drive in the middle of this turn over.
Hope yall have a good week.
im on vacation untill thurs
so far starting off not so great
o yeah my car was smoking and struggling like a bitch all the way down WTF
The CNK - the total eclipe of eruopa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! is a very sick song. fuck pandora radio, deezer radio is the way to go
So, im here at my buddys house trying to pass the time before i get on a plane to Utah. The most interesting and depressing weather is happening here in NH. Well it has been raining all fucking day. first i woke up to a fucking pond in my drive way. Yeah way sweet, just what i wanted to do before i went to work. Went out shoveled a trench for the water to get out, got soaked, met my neighbor, already forgot his name, lil kid acorss the street was going crazy around me. But, i still have to walk bare foot to my car for work, so i didnt have wet shoes.
Work went good, kinda sorta. Hopfully i get a new job, i am so over dunkin donuts and this store.
Anyways got outa work, went home changed and ready for my day of travels here. Then got on the road and started the almost two hour drive to manchester to get on a plane at 6am. right now im at a buddys house in concord which is about half way inbetween my home and the airport. He is alseep, but sweet that i get to take a break from my drive here. Anyways the fucking drive down here is fucking miserable. So driving in the rain sucks enough as it is. Well driving at night sucks as it is, since it was like 11 when i left my house. But, sure enough something had to go wrong. So im just driving along and all of a sudden my driver side wiper blade decides it wants to hang out on my driver side window, instead of my windsheild. fucking fantastic right?
so basicly i drove an hour with no wipers. thankfully rainX helps out like a mother fucker. driving along trying to fuck with my wipers. they work for like 10 wipes and then decide to get all fucked up. Never mind driving in the rain, but also being worried that at any momment the intense rain that has been going on all day is going to turn to snow. this storm that is hanging over us is half rain half snow. The weather people are saying that if it turns to snow that we could be getting like one or two feet of snow. This is kinda a bummer because exactly as im leaving the east coast to go snowboard on the west coast, the east decides to get a dump of snow. perfect since the past two weeks have been misserable conditions, except for like one good day mixed in there.
Yeah so im driving down the highway with no wipers, trying and praying for them to work. sticking my arm out the window pushing the wiper back onto the windsheild. grrrrrrrr what amess. my car needs some serious work.
So i think im gona wait untill like about two here, then head down to manchest and hit up this 24 hour dinner and get some food before my day of travels. i woke up at 11 on sunday morning, and wont be going to sleep untill i get on a plane on monday morning. hopfully there are no delays because of the weather. it sounds like the rain is slowing down, which can only mean it is turning over to snow. yeah i dont wana drive in the middle of this turn over.
Hope yall have a good week.
im on vacation untill thurs
so far starting off not so great

o yeah my car was smoking and struggling like a bitch all the way down WTF
The CNK - the total eclipe of eruopa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! is a very sick song. fuck pandora radio, deezer radio is the way to go