i feel like this whole wind energy thing is going to cause more harm than good. putting giant wind mills in all over the place. that will just make our landscapes look terrible. just because we have oil mills all over the place does not mean we need to keep putting up these things to litter our landscapes. dont we get like just barley enough energy out of these thins, to pay for the installation of one of the towers. like yeah something is better than nothing.
Butttt all im saying is solar power is way better. you can cover your roof, and get power. i mean that is just much better. yeah they can be costly, but um duh that is why we invest the stupid wind tower money into solar power developments for the casual consumer.
Butttt all im saying is solar power is way better. you can cover your roof, and get power. i mean that is just much better. yeah they can be costly, but um duh that is why we invest the stupid wind tower money into solar power developments for the casual consumer.