anti-religious heads living in a Chatholic community update-
well with hope there will be a few more of these for a while. Some guys i know(if they dont get kicked out) are living on pleasent st, which here is a entire chatholic street and family deal. These 2 guys just rented a house, and well are not religious. They knew about this after that they got the house.
Well first weird thing.
the lady from across the street came over and yelled at them. saying that they could hear everything they were saying. The dudes were droping f bombs. Then again these dudes can be rather loud. but anyways. I find it kinda weird that she could hear them inside their house, from her house across the street.
second weird thing
they were told they cant have any girls sleep over.
ahhhh this should be an interesting time. good luck and i hope they dont get kicked out
well with hope there will be a few more of these for a while. Some guys i know(if they dont get kicked out) are living on pleasent st, which here is a entire chatholic street and family deal. These 2 guys just rented a house, and well are not religious. They knew about this after that they got the house.
Well first weird thing.
the lady from across the street came over and yelled at them. saying that they could hear everything they were saying. The dudes were droping f bombs. Then again these dudes can be rather loud. but anyways. I find it kinda weird that she could hear them inside their house, from her house across the street.
second weird thing
they were told they cant have any girls sleep over.
ahhhh this should be an interesting time. good luck and i hope they dont get kicked out