This month has been very fucking stressful for no reason. My phone has been off for about a week and I really want to contact my photographers about sets I was suppose to have gotten back by now but haven't. I hate my job and haven't done any shoots because I've been so self conscious lately. I'm surrounded by friends and my boyfriend lives with me and I still just feel so alone. Whisky has been sick for the past four days and I'm getting so worried about him. We took him to the vet today because he's been vomiting bile, having diarrhea, won't eat or drink, and has already lost a lot of weight. He's not himself and just looks so sad and helpless and I feel like such a bad dog mom because I literally can't do anything to help him. We couldn't afford the xrays, we could barely afford for him to get the antibiotics before we left and his outpatient treatment. Wilson, my baby bunny rest in peace you sweet soul, got sick in February and passed away and I can just NOT handle if that happened again. I just don't know what to do. I have such a painful migraine that hasn't left for days, I might just call it a night.
Thanks ladies, you two are so sweet. Prepare for messages in your inboxes. I'm hopefully getting my phone turned back on today so I'll send you both my number! He seems to be feeling better this morning too, currently he's using my butt as a pillow @beatsby @lillymaeexo_
that would be awesome girl! x x x