Well, looks as though i found myself another insensitive boyfriend regards to fucking death. Of all the days to choose he chose fucking yesterday to turn at my work in a mood and a sulk and kept it going way until we got home. Turns out he was sulking because I didn't give him any affection. Awesome... i mean great fucking timing there. How fucking...
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Was your b/f aware that your friend had died?
Even if he didn't know or had forgotten it's still pretty shitty that he didn't ask you how you were. Have you told him that this has upset you?
A friend of mine died today. I was talking to him recently about how we haven't seen each other in a while, and how we could catch up at Emma's BBQ. I never went to the BBQ because I left it too late to book the time off work. Live and learn. Live and fucking learn.
R.I.P Kieron.
R.I.P Kieron.
I'm so sorry for your loss.
Sorry to hear of this.
Somehow I just found myself reading back my old blogs, I only got to August last year. I've realised that I'm coming up to a year of being solidly depressed - that sucks. I've suffered from depression most of my teenage and adult life, if not more but just unnoticed and even considering all the more harsher shit I've gone through, this is the longest...
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Sorry you are feeling down at the moment, I know all too well what it is like living with depression. It is hard but you have to concentrate on the good days 

Sorry to hear of the depression. Depression sucks. Are you getting any kind of treatment?
Ok, so i'm loving this big time!
And this one, so simple but so awesome. Love the simple and dirty lyrics.
FYI, Cryptic messages FTW
And this one, so simple but so awesome. Love the simple and dirty lyrics.
FYI, Cryptic messages FTW

I'm really loving the new B.o.B tune featuring Hayley Williams (
). It pretty much sums up how I've been feeling lately too.

it's pretty.
miss ya
Fuck it
I know that feeling, you wanna talk about it?
ahh thank you x
I'm so utterly bored with life. I have no real friends here anymore. The friends I did have have either moved away (they obviously have more than half a brain) or I've just outgrown them. Well, I say outgrown - the only thing they're interested in is going out and getting trashed all the time - but I can't do that no more, it's not...
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I'm really sorry you are feeling like this *big hug* Hope things improve soon.
When I first got with Nathan I thought all my prayers had been answered, all the things I so longed for in my past relationship was handed to me on a plate - I was happy, for the first time in a very long time, i was happy. Yet now, a year on i find myself asking myself these questions quite regularly. Do i want...
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I'm so confused right now. I'm not sure what to do about my relationship. I know if I end it i'd be throwing away a decent guy, but connection is missing - and connection is very important to me. The last few months I've come to realize what I really want in a partner - and I think I've come to this conclusion because I'm...
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No not at all i went with the hospital group and it cost me just under four grand. Really lovely ppl the hopital is great my surgeon mr straten is great and the nursing staff are lovely here and so helpfull
Its the first time ive had an operation so was really scared but they totally put my mind to rest and its not half as bad as i thought it was going to be when i woke up. I came back to my room about half 10 this morn and i have only just had some pain killers so showa its not too bad. I had under the muscle whixh is a bit more painful but to be honest it just feels like i went a bit too mad at the gym and over done it.
Ive only taken a week off work as i dont think answerng the phone and making tea will do too mich damage. Xx
Its the first time ive had an operation so was really scared but they totally put my mind to rest and its not half as bad as i thought it was going to be when i woke up. I came back to my room about half 10 this morn and i have only just had some pain killers so showa its not too bad. I had under the muscle whixh is a bit more painful but to be honest it just feels like i went a bit too mad at the gym and over done it.
Ive only taken a week off work as i dont think answerng the phone and making tea will do too mich damage. Xx
I'm sick of this fucking relationship. It's bollocks.
no worries ..
everywhere i turn, people are going through shit with relationships at the moment
everywhere i turn, people are going through shit with relationships at the moment