Well, looks as though i found myself another insensitive boyfriend regards to fucking death. Of all the days to choose he chose fucking yesterday to turn at my work in a mood and a sulk and kept it going way until we got home. Turns out he was sulking because I didn't give him any affection. Awesome... i mean great fucking timing there. How fucking lovely it was to sit at home in silence until obviously i had to fucking get it out of him what's wrong, because that's what's fucking sulking is for isn't it - when you want the other person to have to fucking ask you what's wrong, then they have to say nothing a few times but sulk even more obviously until eventually a fucking answer is had. I don't give him enough affection. Well sor-fucking-ry, couldn['t that have fucking waited, couldn't that face been put fucking on on fucking sunday or something, would it have fucking hurt to turn up at my work not in a mood (knowing how much of a shit day and shift i'd had) and sulking? Would it have fucking hurt to ask how i am and just give me a fucking hug or something. I'm done with this shit.
Was your b/f aware that your friend had died?
Even if he didn't know or had forgotten it's still pretty shitty that he didn't ask you how you were. Have you told him that this has upset you?