I'm in bed with the munchies and all I have are these Jelly Tots... but I can't eat them because they were a gift - with a special message on them

It's been a crazy past few days with birthday parties, working lots, sleeping not much, cocktails and nachos in the park, The Mist & a bottle of wine, and crazy manic clean up the morning before my parents got back from holiday. Tomorrow, I have a day off. No rest for the wicked though. It's my niece's birthday and I'm taking her to see Ice Age 3 in the morning and then prepare a 6 year old's birthday party in the afternoon, eat lots of BBQ goodness and cake and then hopefully relax with my man back at his in the evening. Although Sing Star until the early hours is normally the most likely outcome.
Goodnight world

I know that this is rather belated but thank you for your lovely comment on my previous blog entry. We're moved and settled into our new home now, it's wonderful. My phone line was installed and connected a couple of weeks ago, but my broadband only went live this week - the joys of setting up a new place!