I've been up since 7:30 today. Had the best bath
And was home by 10:30, but I've been struggling to get motivated all morning. I really badly need to sort my room out before Sunday. It's not too messy but I need to sort all my clothes out because I have so many and I've ran out of space to put them. Need to sort them out into piles of Keep, Store, Give to sister and Charity but I just can't be assed. Nathan's coming over on Sunday to meet my parents and he will no doubt want to see my room so I really must sort it out! Normally it wouldn't be that much of an issue but his room is like absolutely spotless with his clothes so unbelievably organised on rails on the wall and stuff. He's got a degree in Graphic Design and said that one day he's going to design and build me the perfect dressing room for all my clothes. He woke me with tea this morning and had ran us a hot bubble bath. I really have struck gold with this one
I should be meeting his family on Sunday too. Weather permitting they're having a BBQ. I can't wait to meet them actually cos they sound like a right bunch of characters
His mum smokes green too which is cool. I could go on and on but I REALLY have to stop procrastinating and actually make a start on my room before I have to go to work tonight.
Hope you're all enjoying the sun. I'll post some pics up soon - I have an awesome tan
Ciao ciao people xx

Hope you're all enjoying the sun. I'll post some pics up soon - I have an awesome tan

Ciao ciao people xx
I've always said 'the accused' but the idea is the same.

Good luck with the family.