Found out this morning that a friend of mine died yesterday whilst shopping in Morrisons. She fainted - then died. Just like that. No illness, no warning signs, just gone. She was only 29 - a single mum to a 7 year old boy. I've cried a fair bit this morning, for many reasons. I was shocked at first, didn't really know how to take it - it's really weird grieving for someone so young, so suddenly. It only really sank in when I spoke to Carly. Hearing her cry made it more real. I really don't deal with death well. It scares me and I really don't like it. Just like that she's gone. I can't stop thinking about Josh and how horrible it must be for him right now. They were so close - and so funny together. I can't help but feel bad for everyone around her and how upset they must be. Losing someone close to you is the worst thing. I'm worried about Laura because only a few weeks ago they had another one of their famous fall outs. Her text's are very vague and she won't answer her phone. "I'm fine, cheers" is all she's said.
My head is scattered and i can't find a way to say what I want to.
Rest In Peace Kirsty x

My head is scattered and i can't find a way to say what I want to.
Rest In Peace Kirsty x

Sorry to hear about you friend.
My condolences to her family and friends. Take your time with it. I went through the same thing in January and it's still a struggle. Take care of yourself.