Lately I have been so incredibly lame. I'm currently 2 hours into my sleeping pills and obviously they're not working tonight, so expect long ramblings. These things normally knock me out like a light but recently there has been times when they've just put me on some kinda weird hypnotic high where they make me ramble... and normally rambles that I won't remember in the morning. So yeah, you've been warned.
Anyways, back to the lameness I've been: Anyone who was reading my blogs about 3 months or so ago would know that I gave up smoking. Well, I've kinda started again. I have just stubbed out a roll-up made up of cigarette butts. Lol, see I told you - lame. I was gonna go back on the nicotine patches 2moro but I can't afford to now. So I'm gonna be a secret smoker for another week until I get paid again. See... now thing is - i'll probably spend as much money on cigarettes this week than I would have done on patches (They cost 8). Lame is what I am. Maybe I'll just buy the patches afterall 2moro. But then, I'm going out Thursday night (Scratch Perverts wooo!) so I know I'm gonna be smoking then, so why bother getting the patches?
Thankfully for you guys, I'm starting to feel the effects of these pills so I'm not gonna rant about the things I intended to. I guess I should go sleep.
Blogs feel naked without pictures though, so I'll find something to post first.
Haha, here:

Isn't he cute?
Anyways, back to the lameness I've been: Anyone who was reading my blogs about 3 months or so ago would know that I gave up smoking. Well, I've kinda started again. I have just stubbed out a roll-up made up of cigarette butts. Lol, see I told you - lame. I was gonna go back on the nicotine patches 2moro but I can't afford to now. So I'm gonna be a secret smoker for another week until I get paid again. See... now thing is - i'll probably spend as much money on cigarettes this week than I would have done on patches (They cost 8). Lame is what I am. Maybe I'll just buy the patches afterall 2moro. But then, I'm going out Thursday night (Scratch Perverts wooo!) so I know I'm gonna be smoking then, so why bother getting the patches?
Thankfully for you guys, I'm starting to feel the effects of these pills so I'm not gonna rant about the things I intended to. I guess I should go sleep.
Blogs feel naked without pictures though, so I'll find something to post first.
Haha, here:

Isn't he cute?
lol, sea monkeys are weird, they look like this:
thye just make me laugh