That's me dancing naked.
Was a good day/night/day/night. Rolling in last night - I looked like this
I should probably arm my mother with a camera for the times when I arrive home - maybe the sight of myself will stop me from destroying my brain. Actually, that's complete bullshit.. I've seen the state I looked (ha - I'm not showing you) and although it made me go "Oh. Wow" I highly doubt it'll stop me 'having fun' in the future. < That guy always looks so smug.
Although I had an awesome time. I still miss a certain someone a hell of a lot. I hope things will get fixed and be OK soon. I'm worried they won't though. BUT I don't want to go into that on here - I just want him back.
On that note - I'm gonna go bask in my Suicide Saturday. My bed right now is the comfiest I've ever known it to be and I don't intend to move from it much today.
Keeping thinking I ought to do a rock festival to, but all the best ones are abroad and, as you so simply put it, organisation is lacking, lol...