God that such's a miserable start to a blog. I wonder how many times I've actually said 'miserable' already?
Blah blah blah, boring boring boring. RIGHT.. let's get this moving. Maybe a pic or 2 will move this blog away from the miserableness this is turning out to be.
These are all from the Bank Holiday weekend. Man it already seems like ages ago!
Me with the lovely Kim and Leanne - no idea who that boy is.
For some reason I felt the need to take a pic of myself hungover:
It's been quite sunny the past few days!
And check out the badass cake we had for my Mum's Birthday!
So so chocolatey and so soooo good!
I need to get my foot tattoo touched up soon
I'm dreading it though as it is by far the most painful tattoo I've had. Has to be done though cos it's not looking all that great and it's almost sandal season!
The job hunt still continues. I changed my mind about one of the job interviews I mentioned in my last blog and the other one cancelled on me! Apparently the manager was sick - funny that it was the morning after Bank Holiday though .. I'm guessing somebody was hungover and couldn't be bothered to interview me, Lol. Oh well, it was nights anyway and I'd kinda prefer not to work nights so ney bother
But I've sent out my C.V to a few vacancies so hopefully sometime soon someone will get back to me. In the meantime though I still have my 2 other jobs to keep me going and to be fair, apart from not having a great deal of money I am enjoying being able to laze around in the sun all day, so there's no massive rush
Maybe I'll write some more in this later. But for now, this will do.
Edit: As Fry kindly pointed out, this blog has turned out quite 'chipper' after all. Man, I'd be a crap Emo.
god. maybe i should try and find someone else :/