I SERIOUSLY need to get out of here this summer. Someone help me?! Preferably Amsterdam or New York or somewhere. Been trawling the net but it seems SO hard to find a job somewhere. I just want a nice easy job so I can concentrate on having a well earned break and enjoy the surroundings. Ideally working in a coffee shop in Amsterdam would be awesome!! But i know those jobs are so hard to come by as EVERYBODY wants them. Anyone living in Amsterdam or somewhere else cool with a spare room to rent this summer? Know of any jobs in that area too? Please, someone help before I go absolutely crazy!!
I need a new start...
HEY,Dont let your self get lost.I know its hard,i lost my self a long time ago and i fought to get a new start.I almost ended up blowing my brains out but i found my self before i did anything stupid.If you like talk to me ill try and help you out..