I really REALLY want to move back to Arizona.
Like super bad.
Patrick is so so on the idea...I will convince him one way or another.
I miss it out there so very much
He hated it though when he was out there, which I can't blame him, he lived in the shittiest part of Tempe that you could live in..I mean this place was GHETTO.
For those of you who know the Tempe, he lived off Brodway and Priest almost at the I-10 and he worked a 3rd shift job at Walmart doing night stalking. AND his car got broken in to the 1st week he was there. I wouldn't like it so much either if I was him...but he needs to give it another chance. I can't take the midwest anymore.
I need to live some where that has more excitement. Fucking Cedar Rapids is never going to grow and upgrade. It is going to stay the same it has always been and frankly I can't do it anymore.
When I first moved here it was exciting and new and a change of environment but after 4 and half years I am just done. I get super depressed in the winter because you can't go out and really do anything and there isn't much do to even when it's NOT winter.

I think its going to be hard to try to get him to want to do it. The one major problem we have is he doesn't have a degree. He works at Rockwell Collins right now which is a great place to work he does shit with computers helping engineers and he makes about 34k a year and for someone who has no degree that is awesome. I just don't know if he will be able to find a job in AZ with out a degree even though he has 5 years experience . He could remote in to his job now but that isn't a for sure thing don't know if they would really go for that.
Sorry to ramble but I can't sleep and it feels good to write about it.
Lucky for me I get to go visit AZ in the spring maybe that will help me not be so homesick.
aww arizona is lovely, i can see why you want to go back.