I know this is overdue. I didn't write a blog post about it right away, because I was so overwhelmed and super emotional and i really wanted to wait and get my thoughts together before I put them down. As many of my friends and family are quick to remind me, "turning pink" is of little significance to the world beyond the soap walls of this site's bubble. And I have been hesitant to truly celebrate this moment because of the loneliness of that celebration. It's not something my parents will be proud of me for or something that my friends will fully understand. My best friend still cringes at the thought of me, half naked on the Internet.
But despite all of that, I am happy. I am shocked at the success of my most recent set, and I had the TIME OF MY LIFE shooting it with @shaine this past spring. I'm blown away by how kind this community has been to me and at every turn I am surprised in the most pleasant way possible by the people I encounter. I wasn't surprised to get an email full of info when I turned pink but I was so surprised that @lyxzen had taken the time to write to ME personally and knew my set from the others and offered me personalized words of encouragement. The level of love and commitment it must take to go out of your way to look at every new girl's set and write to her in a way that makes her feel special? That's fucking inspiring. The woman is not only good at her job but obviously passionate about it. That's the kind of stuff that makes me want to stick around, and it's amazing women with attitudes like that that I can only imagine have been the foundation for this supportive and beautiful community. I just feel so lucky to be a part of it.
I guess that's all? I feel so overwhelmed- I had counted on being a hopeful for so much longer and then one morning I just wasn't and I still don't know how to feel but I am going to shoot for grateful and happy because, really, there's never any reason NOT to be grateful and happy. Just more reasons, the harder you look. Thank you EVERYONE who helped make this happen, and @sylah- thank you for being the only person in Buffalo who really gets what this is like and for being a beautiful human inside and out!
Okay. I'm done now.