So. I deleted my Instagram, and I did it for a few reasons. I feel there is a very fine line and a lot of gray area in between creative expression and self-serving performance. One of the most important people in my life, and one of the closest to me, tried to keep my head on the ground in terms of my standards and help me set boundaries as far as what I would and would not do, on social media. But with every follower, the pressure grows. At least in my head. So I got rid of it. And it felt like cutting off an arm; I lost ALL of my photos from the time I spent in Europe because I forgot to back it up! And I cut a lot of ties. I felt silly, immediately after I did it. But I know I had reasons and I'm trying to trust myself.
I also let a lot of people in my life make me feel guilty, dirty, and ashamed of my involvement with SG. My ex wasn't exactly supportive and my family raised eyebrows when they found out. The approval of those people was really important to me, and compromising it was painful, and conflicting.
Now, however, I'm back! I created a brand new account, and I'm not going to let it run my life. You can click the link in my profile if you're interested in supporting me, and seeing previews of the sets I shot this year with the AMAZING @shaine @sunshine and @alissa ❤️❤️
I'm not going anywhere anytime soon 💋