So as I'm pretty sure I'm the one of the only (if not the only) member of this site from Buffalo, NY, I want to shout the 716 out right now and tell you all that I love you. For everyone who doesn't know, Buffalo is in the middle of one of the toughest storms to hit the Northeast like...ever. I remember the storm of October, 2006 like it was yesterday even though I was in sixth grade. The tree in our neighbors yard came down in such a way that it went through the back windshield of my dad's car, and out the front windshield...
I'm from a city that smells like Cheerios, stops traffic on Sunday nights for drunk bikers, heralds football and hockey players like gods, drinks too much coffee and even more beer. I'm from a city that doesn't shut down for shit. Six feet of snow? No problem. We keep our food cold in the snow when the power goes out. We fucking go to work and school anyway. We speak like Canadians and don't even notice it. We grew up thinking Niagara Falls is no big deal and we aren't afraid of anything. I'm from the motherfucking Queen City and even if the best thing most people can say about it is that it's not Detroit, I'm still hella proud.
Buffalonians are the toughest, scrappiest, most creative survivors in the world and I'm proud to call myself a Buffalo girl. I've said it before and I'll say it again: you can take the girl out of buffalo but not the Buffalo out of the girl.
So right now, while my city is getting pounded by what the news has dubbed a "polar vortex" I'm not scared. We still have Netflix. We still have fat blunts and hot chocolate and canned soup and we still have each other. Stay safe everyone! Don't drive unless you have to and please don't put your warmest scarf on the snowman; you'll need it's for your body sooner than later. Everyone say a prayer for my city, and have this rad photo of my people robbing a Doritos truck for survival! That shit is fucking heroic. Cleveland, Detroit, Boston and NYC can bow down. Buffalo is Queen, now and forever.