so i have a home here for a while, and i got a job at picture machine, not doin anything yet, but will stay at it. the apt. is super cool and so is everyone in SF!!!! luv it here, may never go home. hope all is well at home.
I remember smoking out in your hotel room in Orlando during a Tattoo Convention around 2000....Some of the girls were aking to see the man meat....One guy did....Then I said "Hey didn't fire Marc the Shark".....And bam the fire alarm goes off and I spent an akward rid down the elevator with everyone during the great escape......How is Marc doing......

ha. i wish i was in SF instead of North Carolina.
how are you/the shop holding up? any news from home? one of our friends who made it home yesterday checked on our house for us. he said it smelled like death, but there was no flooding and minimal water damage, and it hadn't been looted. so yay for that- at least my stuff's okay, provided it all hasn't started to mold. so i can stop buying clothes at Target.