so i survived the tat con. very exciting. got ignored by the "cool" sg's but did meet a nice REAL person who is a sg and she was nice and hot. very bored with this site and if you have never left me a comment i am deleting you as a friend. whats the point if you don't comment. to the ones who do comment THANKS, you make my day
anyway i'm going to portland to see my buddy scott harrison and hopefully i will get a tattoo or two if i can find some empty space
i really really need to get outta here!!

as for the name.. my tattoos have nothing to do with my SG name
it occurred to me today that I hang out with my friend Jahn (the molar tats you did) way more than you, and he lives in Austin for god's sake! I only live like 3 blocks from your shop, there's no excuse for this kind of behavior..
unless you hate me
sad for me..