Made it home from houston, got 2 blisters on my ass from ridin 25 miles in 2 hrs 15 minutes!!! then did 30 miles the next day!! my thighs need a massage BAD!!!!! really liked gettin out of this hellhole and to a city that has money for things like trash pick up, mowin the nutral grounds, busses, and medical care forthe people. sad to come back but lookin forward to my saturday appointments
(brian).hope to ride soon. got to take my little man to get his nuts cut off on monday so i hope he gets all the lickin in soon!!!hope all is well out there, tell me about it!!

Right now I make a living going to school, I get paid by the GI-Bill. My fiance also works. I'll let you know how my consultation with the butcher (surgeon) goes on Monday.
no sex toys in that bag, just the KY and anal ease